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    My avg. weight has been 155lbs. the last 20 yrs. After 1 year of Krav I dropped to 148. Not a big drop, but alot for me. Is there anyway to increase my weight then maintain it while still working out with Krav and Bas


    More calories in then out. Protien! Some weight training may also help.


    Re: how do you maintain your weight

    quote \”TerryM\:


    My avg. weight has been 155lbs. the last 20 yrs. After 1 year of Krav I dropped to 148. Not a big drop, but alot for me. Is there anyway to increase my weight then maintain it while still working out with Krav and Bas

    How tall are you? Just curious, I don’t see the problem with being 148, but if you want to gain weight, eat a well balanced daily intake of more calories then you are burning. Add a fair amount of Protein to your diet but also make sure to include enough carbohydrates (especially complex carbs). Protein and carbohydrates are both very important to proper muscle growth and repair.

    As for me, I’m 135 and lovin’ it! 😈





    quote \”determined\:


    Yes, there you go! Stout in particular… it’s supposed to stimulate the appetite, too.



    eeww GUINNESS is gross!!! lol

    The bud select is pretty good. Never a bud guy but I have to admit i like their select beer. 🙂


    Oh C’mon Jason, Guiness will put hair on your chest! LOL. The only way to drink dark is to mix it. Years back we would order Guiness stout and another beer. Of course, now they have Guiness light. We would fill a glass half with the light beer and then top it with Guiness stout. The stout would sink to the bottom leaving two perfect layers.

    Getting back to the other question, don’t worry about losing weight. Most people practically starve themselves to lose weight. If you are exercising and, perhaps some strength training, the weight will come back. Muscle is heavier than fat. I do bodyweight only exercises and initially lost a bit of weight but as time went by I noticed my weight increasing. Of course, you can speed up this process by adding some rebounding or another aerobic activity to your daily routine. The body will be toned through the aerobics and muscle will eventually replace lost fat. Don’t despair and stop watching the scale. That’s the worst thing you can ever do.




    Ineteresting idea to mix. Oh and I dunno about guiness putting hair on ones chest, but I do beleive it will take it off. lol

    Back on topic.

    Another good idea is to stay off a scale. Cuz like mark said muscle is heavier than fat and if you strength train the scale will lie to you. A better idea is to measure your waist and/or other body parts. Keep a log of the measurements.

    – J


    \”The only way to drink dark is to mix it. Years back we would order Guiness stout and another beer. Of course, now they have Guiness light. We would fill a glass half with the light beer and then top it with Guiness stout. The stout would sink to the bottom leaving two perfect layers.\”

    It’s called a Black & Tan – Sorry, not your invention 😉


    IMO – Guiness on tap – No mix … Good stuff!


    Re: how do you maintain your weight

    quote \”usnavy_233\:

    quote \”TerryM\:


    My avg. weight has been 155lbs. the last 20 yrs. After 1 year of Krav I dropped to 148. Not a big drop, but alot for me. Is there anyway to increase my weight then maintain it while still working out with Krav and Bas

    How tall are you? Just curious, I don’t see the problem with being 148, but if you want to gain weight, eat a well balanced daily intake of more calories then you are burning. Add a fair amount of Protein to your diet but also make sure to include enough carbohydrates (especially complex carbs). Protein and carbohydrates are both very important to proper muscle growth and repair.

    As for me, I’m 135 and lovin’ it! 😈

    Yeah it’s fun tossing you around like a puppy with a chew toy!!!!


    Re: how do you maintain your weight

    quote \”KravMagaStudent\:

    Yeah it’s fun tossing you around like a puppy with a chew toy!!!!

    Hey, do you hear that?? It’s your alarm clock. I guess it’s time to wake up and stop dreaming! 😛

    How’s everything going? Have you checked out Krav DC or Capital Jui jitsu?


    Re: how do you maintain your weight

    quote \”usnavy_233\:

    quote \”KravMagaStudent\:

    Yeah it’s fun tossing you around like a puppy with a chew toy!!!!

    Hey, do you hear that?? It’s your alarm clock. I guess it’s time to wake up and stop dreaming! 😛

    How’s everything going? Have you checked out Krav DC or Capital Jui jitsu?

    We checked out Krav DC and were really impressed. Awesome intensity and awesome instructor. 🙂


    usnavy_233 vs. KravmagaStudent

    LLLLLadies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Inaugural KM Forum Smackdown! 8)

    Gentlemen, please go to your corners and come out fightin’. 😈


    Size matters, but not as much as big guys think. 😆 If you are healthy, and losing weight you are not eating enough. Just that simple, don’t over complicate it. I am a big believer in bodyweight exercises, and a KM class often has alot of air squats, push ups and burpees. Good for muscular endurance. However if all you do is bodyweight work you will have serious faults in your fitness. If you want to put on some size and up your strength, your going to have to hit some heavy weights. Squats, deadlifts, cleans, presses will help.


    Re: how do you maintain your weight

    quote \”JasonM\:

    We checked out Krav DC and were really impressed. Awesome intensity and awesome instructor. 🙂

    Glad to hear it. It’s good to know you guys are going to continue training.

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