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    Hi Krav Maga, I would like to lose some weight and go back to my Jewish roots. I would like to eat more kosher and healthy at the same time get into shape and learn self defense. I am not near any Krav Maga facility and I have to order the Krav Maga for on television.

    What else do you recommend as far as losing weight and a kosher, healthy diet and what physical excersices would you have me do ? I am a man and I really am tired of being out of shape. Thank you and Shalom. 8)


    Almost 50 views and no response ?


    Brand X martial arts is a krav gym in California they are also a xfit gym. They have a great forum with daily Workouts. Being this is a non krav question, I’ll give you a few more things to Google that are way ahead of the curve. Ross Enamit has two sites one on training, one on boxing. with forum. His self published books are some of the best ever. He’s a top of the mountain expirience and anti gimmick BS. Team Ruthless in Virginia is an up and comer to pay attention to. Though I’m biased As Dino’s my Strength and conitioning coach long distance. All these are about combat conditioning but don’t let that throw you, It really means training for functionality. The guys on Ross’s forum are great. This stuff is not complicated, it requires work and planning. I would stay away from from isolation type excercises, as the body was mean’t to work as a unit, though this is contraversial to many. It will save your joints alot of wear and tear, heal your body. Meaning you wont walk around all bodybuilder stiff and will develope strength you can use daily. Hope that helps



    This was what I was looking for, a strong flexible body in addition to doing Krav Maga.

    Thank you 😛


    Both Brand x and Ross’s site have forums. Garddawg from Brandx posts here and is a great resource. Ross’s book Never Gymless is an absolute must have. It alone will take you where you want to go. I cannot recommend him highly enough. Reading that book would be my first choice knowing what I know now. He’s inexpensive and reliable
    Good Luck with your new goals. Get your S&C down and the skill sets become easier


    Thank you for the additional information and can I just ask what is S&C please, if you don’t mind my asking please ?, Thank you



    quote \”JewishFitness1976\:

    Thank you for the additional information and can I just ask what is S&C please, if you don’t mind my asking please ?, Thank you

    Sorry 😳 Strength and Conditioning. Skill sets meaning punching,grappling, stick, etc. I’d give you the web sites but am unsure about the rules here for that. Google will get you there,if not post and I’ll help.

    You should get more replies here. It can be slow on weekends. You’lldo fine. Just remember you don’t need all the expensive crap or to workout for an hour and a half a day.You need to make small daily changes in diet and excercise and do a little more next week or time. The problem is we try to do too much, too soon and quit sooner 🙄


    Okay Thank you, how about footwork, spped and aligility drills please ?

    Is there a way to time myself as I throw punches and kick with my feet ?

    I also remember in high school when I was on the field and track team, the coach always clocked how fast we were running and I wonder what it is called and where can I get one please online as I do not live near the sportings department store please ?

    I would like to be in the best shape of my life, even better than when I was in high school. Thank you.


    Ross’s forum. I can understand if there is no krav in your area yet. 😈 But skill sets need a coach after the fundamentals are down okay. There should be a martial arts studio in your area. Go watch classes see what you like. If not there are Ymca’s most towns have boxing clubs or Judo. If not that High schools have Wrestling coachs, maybe he’ll train you. Explore where you are. If its important to you… you’ll find the help you need. But only you can get off the couch and get started. Everything else is just an excuse. If your really fired up on krav get your Synagog(SP? 😳 ) to sponser a KMAA Seminar. Never Gymless is a good start and he ships quickly


    I enjoy the self defense classes at out KM Gym, and I also \”enjoy\” the fitness classes as well. I feel that they are very good and I do feel more prepared and confident about any potential conflicts, but of course you won’t know the truth of that until you are in the moment.

    In the fitness class the instructor is always doing basic movements that also tie into the self defense techinques.

    As for fitness, I’ve lost several pounds of fat over the past year, but I’ve also put on muscle so my overall weight has not changed too much, but fat is going away.

    Doing the classes does make a difference. It is a bit different when someone is telling you what to do, vs. you just doing it on your own. It can be very difficult to push yourself on your own as opposed to responding to instructions, that can drive you harder than just being by yourself.

    You could find some place that has boxing instruction and exercise. That is a very large component to the Krav Maga system and would put you ahead when you do find a KM school.


    I’d recommend the Bas Ruttan workout cd’s.

    Go to Bas’s website. I think they go about $60.00. Preferably, you’ll need a heavy bag, although you can shadowbox if that is not an option. The cd’s contain a boxing workout, a thai kickboxing workout, a all around fighting workout that includes lots of sprawling, a conditioning workout, and an instructional DVD.

    The workouts are awesome and will really help you out if you start studying Krav, as far as basic punches, knees, and kicks.


    Thank you, that will be awesome. I like Bas Rutten, he is a funny guy. I saw him on youtube.com, he is a good guy.

    I was looking through the Krav Maga forum and I can’t find it again but there was a book written in 1983 on getting fighting fit by a Israeli military officer. I can’t find that thread with the posts because that is something that looks interesting too. Thank you 🙂


    Hey…I am usually just lurking but I know GardDawg is swamped right now and is not able to stop in here much at the the moment. Our KM classes are populated with several people who are using CrossFit (also a base service of Brand X along with the MA/SD classes) as their strength and conditioning.

    Here’s a link to the CrossFit workouts, scaled for beginners and intermediate folks as well as the \”as prescribed\” workouts from CrossFit.com.


    Our best results come from a combination of Zone Diet and CrossFit conditioning. I have realized a noticeable improvement in striking accuracy, coordination, endurance, aggressiveness, confidence AND strength by doing CrossFit consistently along with my spotty KM training. In the last year, I reduced my body fat composition noticably by kicking up the intensity and adding some Zone components to my diet. The stricter I am with the eating plan, the happier I am with my body composition. I’m sure the Zone can be used in cunjunction with the dietary laws.

    So, although we probaby can’t help with the Kosher aspect, go to the forum and sign up. Jeff, Mikki or any of the many excellent trainers will be happy to answer any questions. They have a KM topic and a Diet/Nutrition section as well. 🙂

    Good luck finding the information you’re looking for!


    Thanks Laura…. I was wondering what happened to Garddawg, usually I post his name and its like the bat signal…. I just figured Bruce Wayne went on vacation


    Just call me \”Robin\”. hehe.

    Yeah, it’s busy right now for Brand X – they have a lot of irons in the fire. He and Mikki have just put out their latest CrossFit Kids magazine (another shameles plug – http://crossfitkids.com) and the press deadline is 15th ofthe month. 😉

    Glad I could be of assistance.

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