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  • #31425

    You think Obama vs. McCain is gonna be fun?

    The Governor General just dissolved parliament on Sunday, and we (Canadians) are going to the polls on October 14. Right now, we have a minority gov’t. Which means no political party has enough seats to have a majority in the House of Commons……essentially…..the party with the most seats (Conservatives) have to team up with any other party to have a majority of votes to get any legislation passed. Makes for interesting times!

    Here’s the link to all the registered parties. Granted the fringe parties are WAYY more interesting! They never stand a chance of getting elected, and are more protest parties than anything else! My favourite….a toss up between the Marijuana Party and the Marxist Lennonist Party….:chair:

    Here’s a map of who had what since Sunday:


    Re: Elections!!!

    People ask me who I am voting for… response “no”. Both parties in the states are terrible, IMO. Either way it goes my taxes are going to go up, the government will get bigger, and I will continue to lose civil liberties shaving by shaving.

    I know a little about the Canad’ government. Had to do several reports on it. Pretty interesting. Some of it I am insanely jealous of….like your absence of a bi-party system.


    Re: Elections!!!

    We have the same problems too. More taxes, less freedoms….But yeah 4 major political parties, and then the Green Party…with one little seat!


    Re: Elections!!!

    The Green party!……no scnhit!

    I thought we Libertarians had more clout then the Green Party…….I mean Nadar ran as a Green if that proves anything!


    Re: Elections!!!

    The Greens are a very different breed in Canada now. Jim Harris, was the leader upto a couple years ago. He took the party from being a bunch of tree hugging hippie fringe party to a group with an economic platform that makes sense, with a “Green” approach. It helps that he was part of the Conservative “inner circle” for years, before he joined the greens! And the current leader Elizabeth May, was a senior advisor to the Minister of the Environment back in the 80’s for the Conservatives. The party has come a long way. However, you’d think they’d have a right wing stigma, but nope…they are left of centre challenging the New Democrats and Liberals for Votes!

    Ralph Nader……didn’t he marry Michael Moore in California last year? rofl2 (Just kiddin….but you could see it happen right?)


    Re: Elections!!!

    Nadar needs to marry a truck in the face! Bracius FTW!!!11

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