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    anyone have any recommendations on how to mix these 2?
    i’m looking to build some strength to make my strikes and kicks stronger. how many days should i train with weights?
    should i just stick to compound exercises like the bench press, and squat? any feedback is appreciated


    Re: weight training and krav maga

    How heavy are you lifting? What is your max bench, deadlift, power clean and squat (legit with hips below parallel). How much do you weigh? What kind of shape are you in?


    Re: weight training and krav maga

    I just lift weights. No idea what kind of exercises they are. A friend gave me one of those big machines for free (great deal on my end!) and I just looked at the manual and picked different exercises for different areas. Then I compiled my own plan (weights 4 days a week). Works like a charm, I’ve put on a lot of mass and lost weight at the same time. I didn’t overthink it.


    Re: weight training and krav maga



    Re: weight training and krav maga

    most streetfights are lucky to go 30 seconds and there are no weight limits so if you want to train for a streetfight get as big and strong as you can and overwhelm your attack also it gives you the advantage as no one will mess with you.


    Re: weight training and krav maga

    i have recently become interested in kettleball training. is it really as effective as everyone is hyping it up to be?


    Re: weight training and krav maga

    quote blanker:

    most streetfights are lucky to go 30 seconds and there are no weight limits so if you want to train for a streetfight get as big and strong as you can and overwhelm your attack also it gives you the advantage as no one will mess with you.

    you are a funny funny guy.

    Tech94, Kettlebells are great!


    Re: weight training and krav maga

    No matter how much weight I lift, I’m still only 5-9. Must be doing something wrong…


    Re: weight training and krav maga

    Kettlebells are great but your real strength/power/explosiveness will come from Olympic lifts, and complex lifts. Stick with those; then supplement with KB’s.


    Re: weight training and krav maga

    2 words “cross fit” thanks garddawg oh yea polymetrics


    Re: weight training and krav maga

    I second the Crossfit suggestion….


    Re: weight training and krav maga

    Interesting topic. There just isn’t very much in life that isn’t made better by being stronger than the next guy. Being strong is good. Getting strong is hard. I wrote an article for the CrossFit Journal outlining how to add strength training to CrossFit. Getting strong while keeping your metabolic conditioning high. We took a 16 year old, 150 pound kid and brought him up to a 330# back squat and a 2:30 Fran. A 25 year old 170 pound guy got a 505# deadlift and an old guy, about 49 who weighed 165 pulled a 430 pound deadlift and a 340# back squat. Its a good read and we lay the program out pretty thoroughly.



    Re: weight training and krav maga

    quote garddawg:

    Interesting topic. There just isn’t very much in life that isn’t made better by being stronger than the next guy. Being strong is good. Getting strong is hard. I wrote an article for the CrossFit Journal outlining how to add strength training to CrossFit. Getting strong while keeping your metabolic conditioning high. We took a 16 year old, 150 pound kid and brought him up to a 330# back squat and a 2:30 Fran. A 25 year old 170 pound guy got a 505# deadlift and an old guy, about 49 who weighed 165 pulled a 430 pound deadlift and a 340# back squat. Its a good read and we lay the program out pretty thoroughly.


    Quick question garddawg…

    I work on strength every now and then, but focus mainly on WOD’s (not from the main site, just stupid ones we come up with). Can one get stronger from using heavier weights during a WOD? Example…using 135 for push presses instead of 95, so you’re doing a metcon type of workout but using heavier weights for the lift parts of it.

    Just wondering. 🙂


    Re: weight training and krav maga

    Your on to something. We go over this in the article. For about three years we have been playing with “Heavy Metcons”.
    Some Examples:

    5 rounds
    200 M Run
    5 Deadlifts, 2 x bodyweight
    3 Muscle ups

    200 M run
    15 Power Cleans, 135#
    200 M run
    12 Power Cleans, 155#
    200 M run
    9 Power Cleans, 185#
    200 M run
    6 Power Cleans, 200#
    200 M run
    3 Power Cleans, 215#

    5 rounds
    5 Power Cleans, bodyweight
    10 Box Jumps, 40″

    What your talking about is an integral part of what we did with CFSB. We (Brand X) had a couple of 16 year olds finish the WOD’s at the CrossFit Games in 2008. WOD’s that included 155# Clean and Jerks and 275# deadlifts. We also had the runner up for best female CrossFitter in the 2007 games, she won the CrossFit total at the games. Yes, we have some experience lifting heavily in WOD’s.


    Re: weight training and krav maga

    I can attest to the fact that CrossFit is the shizzznit!! I love it. I lifted “gym” weights for years and did the whole running on the treadmill crap, but once I started training in Krav I drifted away from the gym. I came across CrossFit about 6 months ago and all I can say is WOW! I am stronger, faster, leaner, all which have helped my Krav training tremendously. Now add in a few rounds of the Bas tapes and I should be ready for Phase A this June….lol!

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