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    maybe the best explanation, is that krav is not designed for full on fighting? only escape from certain situations?


    Re: What do you guys think of this video?

    he makes some good points but if you test things under mma conditions mma is going to win! theres loads of good examples like the muay thai clinch is so preverlant im mma but is very simply countered by using a neck crank take down but this dosnt acure to the mma lads due to the fact that thay learn from thai boxing and you cant do a neck crank take down with 8 0z boxing cloves on. theres a reason why sports martial arts dominate mma and thats because its a sport.

    another example is ironacly mark kerr who was used as an example in that vid, now imi was a champion wrestler and if you look there still alot of wrestling in krav maga and so was mark kerr who totally dominate mma in its early nhb days by 2 simple techniques 1, getting the double bicep control from in his oponents guard and smashing in headbutts and 2, getting side control and ramming home with knees which completely baffled the bjj guys it was only after these techniques where band that mark kerr has stated he bothered to learn ground fighting.

    also a shot to the back of the head will quickly end a shoot as the back of the head is very vunrable. i was once paralized on the floor for about 20 mins after someone caught me with a elbow to the shoulder blade.

    I would agree that all the dirty tricks are far over raterd its hard to actuelly get a finger of thumb into someones eyes as the bodys hard wired to protect them and some of there head on drugs or drink will take a full on kick to the balls and just shrug it off also at least all the mma techniques have been tested to work but its not the techniques that are important in a fight its the tactics and awarness which you want get in mma.


    Re: What do you guys think of this video?

    I agree that some good points are made in the video, but it’s also a gross generalization and propaganda. For example to show students training slowly. Of course you have to learn the technique before applying it to real speed.

    Many KM students don’t take it seriously and lack the mind set of real life combat. Real fights are dirty, brutal and quick. I think that’s the main difference between KM and MMA – MMA fighters have the warrior mentality.

    That’s why I study so many real life fights, to see how people really act, react and fight. And most of the time it involves grabbing, clinching and going to the ground.

    KM is fantastic when used with the right mindset, which is to be ready at all times, to be aggressive once it starts and to take it to the bitter end.


    Re: What do you guys think of this video?

    quote coderedx:


    maybe the best explanation, is that krav is not designed for full on fighting? only escape from certain situations?

    The video’s thesis seems to be that
    1. MMA is better than Krav Maga in a ‘real’ fight and
    2. Moves you can’t safely practice in a gym are useless in a fight.

    It then goes on to offer ‘proof’ of this by showing sport fights where the Krav Maga fighter loses. Since many of the moves in question aren’t legal in sports fighting (they specifically mention eye gouges, throat punches, and punches to the back of the head), it’s hard to see how these fights prove that such moves are useless. [In fact, if they were so useless, why would they need to be illegal?]

    I could just as easily make a video where I go out on the street with a MMA fighter, gouge his eyes out, kick him in the groin, and slam his head into a parking meter, then say “Look, this proves that Krav is better in the ring!” It proves no such thing, because that poor guy didn’t know the parking meter or an eye gouge were options. And we’re not in the ring.

    The point is that sport fighting and self defense are not the same thing; comparisons between sport fighting styles and self defense styles don’t really make sense. It’s apples to oranges.

    This video also gets a D- on grammar and spelling.


    Re: What do you guys think of this video?

    quote coderedx:

    maybe the best explanation, is that krav is not designed for full on fighting? only escape from certain situations?

    See Misunderstanding Krav Maga. And read Rory Miller’s book, Meditations on Violence: A Comparison of Martial Arts Training & Real World Violence.


    Re: What do you guys think of this video?

    Liveness training is great, but if you are still throwing punches wrong, still doing takedowns wrong, still throwing knees wrong, then its all bull****. There is so many mistakes when they go live, its not even worth discussing. They then show two great champions at there time in Coleman and Kerr, to show they are training and fighting similar.

    Kerr trained with Bas not those guys and knew how to do things correctly. Coleman and Kerr trained alot together and have world class wrestling, They will be tough for anyone to deal with, doesnt matter what system you know.

    Side note: I had the pleasure of working with Kerr when he was prepping for one of his fights and he is just talented. It was a short session with him Bas and others, but still great. People forget that he won the ADCC. He was a wrestler that also knew submissions, way more than he showed in the ring.


    Re: What do you guys think of this video?

    here is another video apparently from the same guy.


    the guy tries really hard to put down krav


    Re: What do you guys think of this video?

    I could make a video of feng shui being the
    ultimate art.I have looked at a lot of different arts
    and I still believe that krav is better than alot of
    others.Has this person personally used krav in an altercation.


    Re: What do you guys think of this video?

    i like the way he says that km incorperated grappling because of the bjj guys lol i was learning grappling in krav 15 years ago to the point when i started going to mma i was told to stop standing up when we rolled km was incorperating grappling around the same time as bjj was although the focus was on getting out of pins and locks ect rather then finishing on the ground.


    Re: What do you guys think of this video?

    funny it show Mark coleman a UFC hall of famer beating a man trianed in krav. Im sure mark colman defeated many people trained in many diffrent martial arts. That dosent lend to the effectiveness of krav. Moreover these men are profesional athlets. a person with 6 months or a year of krav trining vs a BJJ trined fighter will fare better in a sterrt fight.

    The bottom line is this he wasnt comparing apples to apples



    Re: What do you guys think of this video?

    …”like the muay thai clinch is so preverlant im mma but is very simply countered by using a neck crank take down …..”

    I have no idea what a neck crank take down is….Can someone discribe it to me??


    Re: What do you guys think of this video?

    In one of our upper level classes, we had the opportunity to spar with some MMA students. They wanted to see the differences between KM and MMA. We geared up with 16 oz gloves and shin guards. The instructors said “no knees, no elbows, no groin kicks, no kicks to the knees.” I know it was for safety. Unfortuantely the MMA students couldn’t get a good feel for what KM was about. In a real life situation, I can’t see myself squaring up with someone and trading blows. I would want to kick to the groin, throw a barrage of knees and elbows to quickly drop the attacker and then get out. We were definately in their world.


    Re: What do you guys think of this video?

    The video doesn’t mean anything in my opinion. The video is describing fighters that have many years of experience. I’m guessing the average student to takes Krav goes for a year or less than quits. If I was to choose a MMA fighter that I would like to emulate it would be Lyota Machida. His offense is good but what I like is his self-defense. Why go toe to toe with another fighter if you do not have to. Getting hit hurts.


    Re: What do you guys think of this video?

    quote coderedx:


    maybe the best explanation, is that krav is not designed for full on fighting? only escape from certain situations?

    Wow I really thought it was pointless to even finish the video. The makers really had it in for Krav. What I didnt see in the video was any knifes or guns or bats. You should try looking around the forum dude especially since many people on here have continuely made the point that MMA has rules it is a sport (one I occasionally watch) krav is not its like comparing apples and oranges…..very pointless. Now if they started throwing the rules out and added knifes and bats eye gouges etc I’m very sure krav would be taking a step up (along with theyre ratings Id defintely would tune in everynight) in these cause last I checked first rule was ….theyre are none. Just do what you gotta do to walk home in peace its that simple. Anyone that compares these two arts well are ignorant since theyre both geared toward different things sport fighting and Self defense (/occasionaly offense for military).


    Re: What do you guys think of this video?

    Moti Horenstein isnt even a Krav Maga fighter….he has a background in Hisardut,Muay Thai and full contact karate.

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