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    I’ve researched most the martial arts and for my specific needs I have descided to go about my training with Krav Maga. Yet I know the full capabilities when trained by a knowledgeable and seasoned trainer and combatant I have concerns as how to find such. In short I am asking how to find a trainer near me that is NO BS, No (women’s self defense alternate name), and If I had to be in a class I would not be training alongside pregnant women, soccer moms and children. Could anyone provide insight to this and maybe refer me to one near Dallas?


    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    quote Friendly:

    I’ve researched most the martial arts and for my specific needs I have descided to go about my training with Krav Maga. Yet I know the full capabilities when trained by a knowledgeable and seasoned trainer and combatant I have concerns as how to find such. In short I am asking how to find a trainer near me that is NO BS, No (women’s self defense alternate name), and If I had to be in a class I would not be training alongside pregnant women, soccer moms and children. Could anyone provide insight to this and maybe refer me to one near Dallas?

    Join the Israeli Army. You are exactly the kind of tool that doesn’t last at KM schools.


    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    What are your “specific needs”?

    You might want to consider private training.


    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    Careful or some of the soccer moms on this forum will kick your ass.


    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    quote catapult:

    Careful or some of the soccer moms on this forum will kick your ass.



    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    Funny we had a guy(200lbs) train with us for a little over a month recently. He told me he didn’t want to roll with the girls because he’d hurt them. One day my instructor caught wind of the attitude ( yeah I told him) made him drill and roll with our buck thirty female purple belt all class
    and was being very aggressive. At first she was playing very nicely with the white belt. Then he tried to bounce her off the mat. She tapped him out about 5 times in under 2 minutes. Never saw him again LOL She’s a national champ and one of my favorite people to train with. As little as I train but I always learn something new from her


    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    quote catapult:

    Careful or some of the soccer moms on this forum will kick your ass.

    I’m not trying to make this a sex thing but its obvious you are.
    I have an opinion but I have an idea it will do no good here due to the female population will go completely crazy and spam this thread with hate speak.

    And Don how would I go about private training, just call my nearest training center and ask?


    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    You brought up certain demographics first…

    Google/yellow page search and then call around and/or go visit…


    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    Most likely, you won’t have control over who your classmates will be at any institution. I concur w/ another poster in that your best bet will be private instruction. Bare in mind that there will be a significant cost increase with private instruction vs group training.

    I would first start with user reviews for schools via Yelp.com in addition to physically visiting the school / location and talking with the instructor(s).

    Both will give you a thorough background about the school/instruction and what to expect. The last factors will be of course cost and gut feeling.

    Best of luck


    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    I can deal with a price increase, thankyou Doublestrike.


    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    quote Don:

    You brought up certain demographics first…

    Google/yellow page search and then call around and/or go visit…

    Now that I have my desired answer I’d just like to say that I brought that up only because it is my specific needs. Some men have no problem with this and have no problem with losing time and wasting money they paid for the institution to train them.

    I however do not have excess time and would like to learn as much as I can and as quickly as I can due to my specific needs (Military obligations, and no not the U.S military.) I have not and will not say anything demeaning or hurtful about females. But with my work I have seen perhaps the best and worst of females, their ability to handle high stress and their inability to not mix work and training with personal relationships. It’s biological. Don’t get me wrong I have worked with women I respect highly. However I do know that there is the best and worst of both sexes, and I know that the best female is often times normal tier for most men in the class (physical stature and endurance abilities). Believe me when I say this, when you get a bad one and you have no control over who you work with things can get hectic, and that’s how people get hurt.

    That’s just my two-cents, I’m not trying to hurt anyone’s feelings or insult any certain sex, I’m simply saying possibly haveing a bad male, OR female in the bunch can hinder training, which is not acceptable for me.


    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    Consider that there is value in training with the soccer mom and pregnant woman that you dismiss as an annoyance. Have you ever had to spar with a woman? Have you considered that your biggest threat may be the woman you were trying to save from a man who was roughing her up? I think you’re over-inflating a bad experience, or you’re allowing someone else’s advice to over-inflate it for you. If you can get private training, more power to you, but it takes time, practice, and experience sparring with students more and less experienced than you.


    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    quote TacticalTimmy:

    Consider that there is value in training with the soccer mom and pregnant woman that you dismiss as an annoyance. Have you ever had to spar with a woman? Have you considered that your biggest threat may be the woman you were trying to save from a man who was roughing her up? I think you’re over-inflating a bad experience, or you’re allowing someone else’s advice to over-inflate it for you. If you can get private training, more power to you, but it takes time, practice, and experience sparring with students more and less experienced than you.

    Your right, there could be some benefits of training with females that are sound-minded and physically able, and yes I have sparred with women before in my training, and there has been times where I was glad haveing such a sound-minded and tough partner. However, this is not always the case, I have also had female partners for example, be training, working on a move, most likely a throw, and then suddenly something happens and they become quickly and visibly upset, and make it into a dominance session. This is the case for quite a few women, and some smaller or shorter males, because they are often weaker, more vulnerable and this makes them uncomftorable, leading to higher agressiveness to compensate, this is called ‘Little mans syndrome’ and is more common for males but I have seen it in females aswell first hand. Once again, I’m not trying to demean any sex, just noting evidence I have seen in my time training.


    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    quote Friendly:

    That’s just my two-cents, I’m not trying to hurt anyone’s feelings or insult any certain sex, I’m simply saying possibly haveing a bad male, OR female in the bunch can hinder training, which is not acceptable for me.

    You keep saying this but that is exactly what you are doing.

    I may be smaller than you, but I am neither weak nor vulnerable. That holds true for just about every woman I both train and train with. I say most because I have one student who is incredibly small. However, her foot is still stronger than your balls.


    Re: How to get a REAL Krav maga instruction?

    quote PinkGloves:

    her foot is still stronger than your balls.

    Bwahahahahaha Brilliant I’m stealing that!

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