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    Things kick off around 2:40 when the victim realizes he’s been pickpocketed by the guy in white (2:27). Ugly situation!


    Re: Multiple attackers – Bus CCTV footage

    That really upset me. Im sitting here seething.

    Practically speaking though, that tight area is good for fighting multiple attackers because you can keep them all on one front and force them to push into eachother while you engage them. Am i wrong?


    Re: Multiple attackers – Bus CCTV footage

    That incident caused a huge uproar in France due in large part to the racial dimension as the attackers were hurling racist epithets at the (main) victim.

    The victim wasn’t seriously injured, incredibly, and actually tried to downplay the incident in the media due to the explosiveness of the public reaction; he urged the public to be calm.

    The footage was allegedly leaked by a police officer.

    In the build up to the attack you can also see there is a whole ‘interview’ period as they’re messing with the victim up to the point the guy in white grabs his wallet.

    That’s an interesting point about an enclosed space like that bus – you’d think it’d definitely be conducive to a strategy of forcing the attackers into a line..

    Also, tactically the strongest & most aggressive in the group was the guy in the black jacket – IMO he’d have been the one to try and take out first..

    What an awful situation for all those passengers & of course the people who got assaulted (2 others get punched in addition to the main victim)..


    Re: Multiple attackers – Bus CCTV footage

    Btw – here is the ‘classic’ keeping attackers in a straight line clip:



    Re: Multiple attackers – Bus CCTV footage

    Awesome video soldier


    Re: Multiple attackers – Bus CCTV footage

    IMO, that particular terrain was disadvantageous for the victim. Not enough room for the victim to really stay mobile but still enough room for the BG’s to attack 2-3 abreast and to flank. Tight would be less disadvantageous if you could find a bottleneck where only one BG could reach you at a time.

    one group that practices multiples (both GG and BG)
    http://atienzakali.com/?page_id=97 (bottom two videos)

    btw, that bus driver was USELESS…


    Re: Multiple attackers – Bus CCTV footage

    From the victim’s point of view, he was definitely at Condition White on the threat level chart. If you see of bunch of thugs horsing around, move to the other end of the bus. Rule #1: avoidance. They were looking for weak prey like a pack of hungry wolves.

    And what was the bus driver doing? Why didn’t he stop the bus? Did he radio for help?


    Re: Multiple attackers – Bus CCTV footage

    I think the driver stopped soon after things got out of hand & the look of motion may be down to other vehicles passing by..

    Yes his attitude & reaction seem really poor – it looks like he has an air of resigned annoyance along the lines of: ‘oo-la-la why is this happening on my bus?? I was looking forward to getting off at 9 and now this…why can’t they all just go away..’

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