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  • #79807

    Re: Targeting Knee vs. Quad in Roundkick

    quote jjbklb:

    Would a hastily launched roundkick to the outside of the knee typically be strong enough to damage the side knee ligaments; or would a ‘charliehorse’ from landing the kick to the lower outside of the quad bring stronger more immediate effects?

    yes it can be strong enough to damage ligaments, if you are able to target that well under adrenalin, in a quickly changing moving enviroment.


    Re: To Be or Not to Be – Instructor Training

    DrGreen, I would recommend you go for it, if your main desire is to teach. If you just want to learn more or test yourself, I would stick with the extra classes and privates. This is a pretty long and arduous process with a lot of responsability, and your motivation will be challenged along the way. Please consider that first, your fitness and public speaking ability can be improved, so that’s a secondary consideration.


    Re: Congrats Marcus

    Nice kick!


    Re: Skin Eating Fungus Killing Judo in Japan

    As it relates to Krav–Street shoes on mats, dirty clothes or gear, or known infection on one person=ringworm or staph at the whole school.


    Re: Your favorite KM instructors?

    Darren-for his energy and dedication
    Whitman-for giving us a rationale for every move and a method to the madness
    Jarret W and Michael M-for precision at any speed
    Sam-for having been there and done that for real
    Christian-for helping to push me through in phase and his contagious enthusiasm
    Ryan and Jeff-for helping to pressure test the skills
    Carol-for attention to detail and teaching to everyone regardless of ability
    Rich Dimitri(not Krav, but relevant)-for teaching me to question the status quo


    Re: Comfortable Groin Protection

    unfortunately, the buddy didn’t work for me. I tried to make it work, but for some reason it just wasn’t a buddy to my nutty’s. primarily I had a problem during grappling, the cup kept coming out. it worked fine with stand up though…


    Re: Anyone in need of a MiG 21?

    quote raising_arizona:

    My finder’s fee is just a case of beer. :):

    Link to eBay

    It’s the wrong color, I was looking for a four seater in red. Also, is there a hybrid?


    Re: Phase Favorite/Worst/Most Memorable Moments

    Hmm, let’s see… during Phase B test, Marni yelled at me” Stop laying around” during the bearhug portion, because I kept falling for some Phase C( I think)Getting popped in the liver and then being dragged off to the side to dry heave it out. Oh yeah, Christian dry heaving constantly. Also being thankful for John being so long winded, so we could rest. Or first evening of B, Romeo telling us” We’re just going to take it easy tonight-” and then doing back to back stress drills for an hour and a half. Overall, phase was one of the most physically challenging times for me, at the same time now it makes any challenge look achievable.


    Re: Phase B Bruises

    That’s awesome. I remember Phase B test being the hardest for me physically.


    Re: Pulled my BUTT!

    quote Nixxon:

    Child, I’m not going to get into a internet thread warrior brawl with you. I haven’t attacked you outright or sought to discredit you or make anything personal. Congratulations for crossing that boundary, I will not go there.

    This sure seems like a personal attack to me.

    quote Nixxon:

    I used information googled to illustrate some stretches that may be helpful to him, why re-type all that info when it was already neatly provided? By no means was this all inclusive but just some exercises that may benefit him, and everyone in general.

    Benefit everyone in general with “butt pain”? How do you know what may benefit anyone, if you don’t know what’s wrong in the first place?

    quote Nixxon:

    In regards to your “accreditation” I’m glad you felt threatened enough to inform me of them. I place little stock in them, just because you have a degree, doesn’t make you always right.


    No, but it does allow me to make a better educated guess. By the way I also mentioned experience. Or is that also less valid than your personal opinion? How do you know that the information you obtain on the internet comes from a valid source?


    Re: Pulled my BUTT!

    Nixxon, I am relying on my experience as a physical therapist, and my current education in a doctorate level program in PT to give my advice and not stuff you pulled off the internet when your googled “muscle cramps”. Then again, if I recall, that’s your preferred method of obtaining information and providing advice.


    Re: Pulled my BUTT!

    quote Nixxon:

    Only thing that makes me think its not a tear is that he said it felt pretty much 95% better after resting a bit and streching. Of course I’m no doctor or certified health professional, and can only relate from my experiances.

    you’re confusing a symptom with a cause. a cramp is often an indication of a microtear, not just an indication of a metabolic problem, the muscle “cramps” to prevent further use/damage.


    Re: Pulled my BUTT!

    If you’re still sore a week after, it sounds like a partial tear of the hamstring. It may go away on its own, or it may re-tear, in which case it’s going to be a pain in the ass 🙂 to recover. Take it easy for the next couple of weeks, see if it’s consistently getting better.


    Re: Hi

    Hey you should check out the IKMF site, they might have instructors in Australia. PS. I am visiting from US now in Sydney.


    Re: Strength and stamina workouts for krav maga.

    I also strongly recommend you check out Ross Enamait stuff. His stuff is very applicable to any combat sports, and needs minimal equipment. It’s also easier to perform than crossfit. He has a whole book called “never gymless”

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