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  • #28584

    In the newspaper on my college campus, there’s a small section about crime at the campus and around it. A few days ago, there were two violent incidents I’d like to relate:
    1. A guy and his girlfriend are out walking on one of the streets at like 1:45 in the morning. Two guys in a pickup truck make some \”colorful\” comments about the girl. The boyfriend goes to the drivers’ side and has some heated words with the driver. Then, boyfriend punches the guy in the face. boyfriend and girl walk off, and the guy in the truck quickly backs into them, hitting the boyfriend and injuring him.

    Observations: with the guy getting hit by the truck, there was two men, who were already spewing sexual comments (one being angry from getting hit in the face) and one girl. This could have gotten very bad. Comments?

    2. A guy and his friend are in their dorm room, and notice a guy breaking into his car. They go down and approach him. The guy breaking in turns to them, and pepper sprays them and runs.

    Observations: There is a common mindset that pepper spray is only a defensive weapon, but it is used fairly commonly in events like this. It makes sense- if you’re robbing someone and you’re caught, you want to stun them and get out, not kill them, which would have bad legal consequences. I guess the two guys were lucky that it was pepper spray and not a gun or knife. Comments?



    Awful what happened. If it was me, I would not of walked in back of the truck after hitting the guy. And the pepperspray is nothing, I spray some on my food after adding Tabasco. J/K. Don’t know how I would’ve reacted in that sit. I’ve been sprayed, it does suck.


    \”I’ve been sprayed, it does suck.\”

    Sure does! I’ve been the \”sprayer\” before too and that can even sting pretty good. If you were close enough, I don’t doubt you could probably melt some eyeballs with that stuff.


    First scenario: I don’t think the boyfriend should have punched the guy in the truck. That was just plain stupid (and illegal). If he had wanted to protect the girl, maybe they should have just walked away. The two guys could have easily overpowered him and the girl if they had gotten out of the truck and even worse if they were using the truck as a weapon. Who knows, they might have also carried weapons, so that was just a bad move by the boyfriend, who might have even tried to impress the girl by hitting that guy.

    The second scenario is interesting. Yes, one doesn’t usually think of pepper spray being used as a weapon by the bad guys, but it actually makes a lot of sense, because it propably will give the bad guy enough time to get away (as happened in this case), but is unlikely to seriously injure someone. So, what would be the penalty for a criminal using pepper spary in such a situation, compared to him using a gun (let’s assume he wouldn’t kill with the gun, just either scare off the car owners, or lightly wound them)?

    Also makes you want to ask the question: What’s the Krav Maga defense against pepper spray? Redirect and punch?



    \”I’ve been the \”sprayer\” before too and that can even sting pretty good. \”

    Ahhh Good old Wind! Let’s you get a taste by blowing back in your face!

    \”What’s the Krav Maga defense against pepper spray? Redirect and punch?\”

    Attract attention from the screaming you will be doing! LOL


    First guy should have walked away. If you can leave then do. I would have only fought if the guys got out and tried to overpower me and take my girlfriend for a lil \”fun\”. I agree the guy was probably trying to impress his girlfriend and show her what a big man he is.

    Second scenario, personally I would have brought my firearm with me down to the parking lot. Especially since the guy breaking into my vehicle might have one as well. Not having a firearm I would have simply called the police and maybe followed the individual from a good distance in order to give the cops a chance to bust his behind.


    Being that he was in a dorm, hedefinitely wouldn’t have a gun or other weapon (but if I was him I probably would have grabbed something weaponlike).


    I wouldn’t assume that just because he was in a dorm that he wouldn’t have a weapon. Assumptions are the mother of all f’ups.

    As far as defense against pepper spray, I think this is where understanding pre-contact cues is important. Generally, if someone is going to deploy a weapon, they need to make some sort of unnatural movement. If you are looking for cues like this, you may be able to jam or intercept and counter before the weapon is deployed. Range is obviously a consideration.

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