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    My girlfriend (who is a Krav Maga practitioner) live sin a pretty rough part of Oakland, like me. Yesterday at noon, her mom walked out of her house and noticed a pretty tall thug standing on the street corner talking on his cell phone, looking around. No big deal, it’s pretty common around there, and even if she knew he were dealing drugs or the like, it (unfortunately) the norm.

    She opened her driveway gate by hand, and headed to her car in her driveway. That’s when she noticed he stopped talking on his cellphone, reached one hand into his pocket, and advanced onto her property.

    My girlfriend’s mom then started honking her horn and screaming help, and the guy ran away.


    Then she went into her house, got a camera, and drove around Oakland for the next 30 minutes try to find the guy to take a picture of him.



    Re: A somewhat interesting occurance

    quote jjk:

    My girlfriend (who is a Krav Maga practitioner) live sin a pretty rough part of Oakland, like me. Yesterday at noon, her mom walked out of her house and noticed a pretty tall thug standing on the street corner talking on his cell phone, looking around. No big deal, it’s pretty common around there, and even if she knew he were dealing drugs or the like, it (unfortunately) the norm.

    She opened her driveway gate by hand, and headed to her car in her driveway. That’s when she noticed he stopped talking on his cellphone, reached one hand into his pocket, and advanced onto her property.

    My girlfriend’s mom then started honking her horn and screaming help, and the guy ran away.


    Then she went into her house, got a camera, and drove around Oakland for the next 30 minutes try to find the guy to take a picture of him.


    THAT is one of the reasons I no longer reside in Oakland


    Re: A somewhat interesting occurance

    good for her. Awareness of your surrounding should be the first line of defense. imagine if she like lot of people out there didn’t pay attention while walking to their car…texting on the phone, headphones on, etc…..

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