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    Greetings, all. Last month I passed my first test and made it on to Level 2. As I look to the future and am determined to keep moving up through the system, I wonder what the criteria for “Invitation Only” means with regard to Black Belt.

    For example, I do not know if as one advances to, let’s say, Blue Belt, one expected to start teaching Level 1 classes (or move toward being Instructor Certified first). I wonder who is doing the inviting, and what is being used to accept one into training for Black Belt.


    I understand that moving up through the system gets more difficult which each Level (is it correct to say the Blue Belt test spans 2 days?), and the advancement to Black Belt is not something I take lightly.


    Re: Advancing to Black Belt and "Invitation Only"

    Each level you advance you must retake the all the prior levels. So for blue belt you must retake level-1,2,3.
    So your looking at a 15 hour test over 3 days I guess.
    My ultimate goal is too obtain a green belt. I take my orange belt test in 2 months or so and should be ready.
    You must spar to obtain blue or brown or higher belts and the test get very complex because your dealing with weapons and other stuff. Weapons stuff is very complex because your dealing with live and dead side and off angle stuff so nothing is black and white.
    I would be more concerned about learning the basics than obtaining black belt. Sure one day you may well.
    My ultimate goal is Green belt. To teach Krav you must be at least a Green belt and have passed the instructor training programs down in LA.
    This chat board has a few black belts I know like CJ Dad. He knows far more than me.

    However from what I observe if you just show hard work you will make it too Green belt. To get beyond green belt you must be way more proficient.


    Re: Advancing to Black Belt and "Invitation Only"

    Krav maga is extremely hard and difficult to obtain a black belt. The only system that I would say is harder is probably BJJ. Some people spend 15 years in BJJ to get a black belt and must compete and dominate in tournaments.
    Both hard through. I am sure Judo is equally as hard too.


    Re: Advancing to Black Belt and "Invitation Only"

    Hey Vince,

    I’m sure the higher ranking instructors like Jarrett would be the one doing the inviting in terms of being an instructor since he is the head instructor. As you go higher and higher in the system, if you’ve ever observed a level 4 or 5 class, it is much more “intimate” in that there is usually no more than 4-6 students in a class so I’m sure that the students and the instructor get to know each other better than if you were in a much larger class. That instructor is probably the one that will invite you to test to black belt if and when they feel you are ready.


    Re: Advancing to Black Belt and "Invitation Only"

    I am going to try to attend one level 4-5 class per week to learn the basic defenses for guns and knives only.
    I Think that would be useful but may take a long time.
    I have attended 3 gun classes and learned some useful information but yet to see any knife stuff.

    In my gym the yellow and orange belts are allowed to attend the advance class.

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