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    Saturday morning I woke up and my back was killing me, cant put my finger on exactly how I hurt it.

    It is a pain in my mid back but slightly to the side of my spine.
    It seems to feel like a muscle, not a spinal injury.

    It doesn’t hurt much when i bend forward and back, it hurts quite a bit when i turn side to side.

    I have’nt gone to class this week out of the fear of hurting it more.

    Does this sound familiar to anyone, is it a muscle strain? torn muscle?

    How long should i wait for it to heal? I’m in my early 20’s if that matters at all, and I am thinking long term. I dont want this to be a recurring thing.

    Any advice will help, I’m trying to save a trip to the doctor if possible.

    BTW this was 3 days ago, the pain has subsided a bit, but again I don’t want to reinjure.


    Take this from someone who has had MANY injuries. Go to the doctor. Don’t mess with back injuries. What seems small can end up bad if you ignore it.



    I agree, don’t mess with a back injury. Go see a doctor. Probably a muscle relaxer and rest will take care of it. The only way to know for sure is to see a doctor.


    Well I will take your advice.

    Damn, I hate going to the doctor!


    I’ve had it happen that I woke up in the morning and suddenly felt some strange kind of pain and had no idea where it was coming from. Hate it when that happens!! 👿

    Sometimes lying in bed can make a back injury worse, especially with a soft mattress. I’ve had back pain that felt okay during the day and then got bad over night (nothing serious though).

    If it hurts during the night you could put a pillow in between your legs if you are lying on your side. That can help relief the pain and help keep it from getting worse.

    But if it isn’t improving I guess it’s best to see a doctor.


    i had identical symptoms a couple months ago. It got so bad at one point I was on the floor unable to move for about 30 minutes at one point. I managed to drive to the local urgent care where they diagnosed it as a spasm and gave me prescription muscle relaxers (flexerol is my friend!)and pain killers. No running or Krav for five days and I was fine. But do go to the doc!


    Or better yet, go to a good chiropractor. (one who specializes in athletic conditioning may be better if you can find it) . A doctor will try to pump you with drugs for inflammation, etc but still may not know what the real problem is. They can xray if needed at chiro, and refer you to md if they can not handle it, but I have had pain alleviated instantly in one case after a visit to chiro.


    Thanks for the advice!

    Being my stubborn self I didn’t go to the doc!

    Its been over a week now and I feel great.

    I worked out pretty hard on Saturday and was ok.

    Tomorrow I’m going back to Krav for the first time in over a week, and to top it all off I’m starting my grappling class too!

    6:00-7:00 Grappling
    7:00-8:00 Krav

    This will ultimately let me know if I’m OK or not, if I reinjure I’m going to the doc, FOR SURE!

    When you go to bed tonight please pray for the PitBull’s back 🙂


    Grappling can be hard on the back, because you might have another person’s weight on top of you and will have to try and move to get him off etc….

    So, if you’re not 100% yet, be careful. 😉


    Hi all,

    You might want to try a little Tiger Balm or something similar…


    Hello all, I would like to thank you all for your good advice!

    I made it!!

    No problems!!

    I’m back at it!

    I tell you, you don’t realize how much you love KM until you can’t go for a while!

    Its kinda like Crack!

    Not that I know from experience 😀

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