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  • #33756

    Hello 🙂

    I’m having some problems in my krav maga classes. During sparring, i tend to be totally defensive. I just circle around and throw jabs, no combinations, and sometimes i throw in a low kick. One time i was pissed off at something and i did absolutely great, got in a lot of combos and other stuff, but normally i don’t know what to do. Seem’s like im just too afraid to hurt my sparring partner, haha :D. Any tips for fixing this problem? 🙂

    P.S English isn’t my native, and i don’t use internet too much, so sorry for any mistakes.


    Re: Aggressivnes?

    I don’t know if I can give you a tip, but I have had the same problem. What I have found is that most people(that I spar with) become totally ineffective when they are crowded since we don’t use knees or elbows when we spar. Also watch this video. I landed this combo on everyone I sparred last time.


    Re: Aggressivnes?

    I have the same problem sometimes, however, most of it comes from me being a bit slow learning the methods and moves. I over think it sometimes and don’t let things come naturally. What I was told is that you shouldn’t worry about hurting your partner too much. They can defend themselves just as you can.


    Re: Aggressivnes?

    stop thinking of them as jabs. There is a reason why in Krav Maga we call them left straights and right straights.
    Stop circling.
    Kadima!! (move forward)


    Re: Aggressivnes?

    If you are “circling” to the opponents strong side you are opening yourself up to getting KO’d. You are walking right into his power.


    Re: Aggressivnes?

    I experienced something similar in my early training days. Here’s what worked for me:

    1) Shadow Boxing / Mirror Boxing / Visualization

    Just as the name implies, by using a mirror to see your reflection will teach your body and mind to react to a live opponent. When you launch an attack, you see the movement in the mirror and defend and/or counter. Since you technically can never be faster than your reflection, this drill is an invaluable training tool. Visualization refers to you imagining yourself squaring off w/ an attacker and physically going through the moves.

    2) 1/2 Speed / Slow-Motion Sparring

    Trying sparring w/ a partner by going only 1/2 normal speed. This practice method will teach you how to move and react properly. It will also desensitize your normal “shock and awe mentality” where we freeze up or instinctively evade (constant circling but never engaging). Remember to practice keeping your position and always be moving forward. Never give up ground unless it provides a tactical advantage to you vs. for your opponent.

    I hope that helps. Best of luck in your training!


    Re: Aggressivnes?

    Yeah, I am trying to at least once a day just slowly go over by myself what we learned in the last session I wen to. I figure if I know the steps I can be that much more proficient and aggressive.


    Re: Aggressivnes?

    Sometimes you just have to put yourself out there and see what happens. If you never go on the offensive, you’ll never figure out how to. For the longest time I had the same problem, I couldn’t be aggressive because I didn’t know “how”, but the real problem was that I didn’t think I knew how to initiate the first strike. Eventually I just said eff it, started putting something out there and went with it. After that, it is virtually no different from defending and counterattacking. Throw a strike out there, cause them to react, and conduct yourself accordingly.


    Re: Aggressivnes?

    It’s negative things and could badly damage our mental health conditions and ultimately overall body health.Always try to be cool and calm.Patent and tolerance are good human qualities and should be practiced.

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