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    what’s up. about 5 years ago i was horribly overweight at 300lbs. i started looking for fun ways to get in shape and i was really interested in martial arts, cuz lets face it martial arts are fun. plus it’s a way to get in shape while learning something useful. i came across krav maga and became really interested.

    unfortunately, i live in hawaii and krav maga isn’t readily available around honolulu. so i got into the next best thing, i think, and me and the wife joined a serious mma training camp. after a year i was in great shape and had lost almost 100 lbs. we trained like animals for 3 hours a night, 5 nights a week.

    thanks to that i gained mad confidence, and i was able to transfer that over to getting a job in law enforcement, the mad conditioning training i had been doing helped me decimate the physical aptitude test for the job, i couldn’t believe it when i was told i ran an 8 min. mile, and i wasn’t even winded. it doesn’t sound impresive, but i was the only big guy over 200# running an 8 min mile. and i absolutely hate running.

    since then i have been commited to continuing my self journey to better myself. i have trained at a gracie ju jitsu school, trained in muay thai, kick boxing, boxing, and even joined a tae kwon do dojo then judo dojo for a few months. i did each for a few months before i had to quit for work scheduling reasons. each time i quit i looked for something else available, which is why i’ve trained in so many arts, now i know training for a few months at any art is not enough to really grasp the intricacies and what not. i’m not fooling myself into thinking i’m a master or anything, but i stay in fighting shape, and each place, art, and teacher has had something to teach. it’s like bruce lee said, absorb the usefull and discard the rest.

    for the past few months i’ve been working out at home implementing kettlebells into my fitness routine, along with thai pads, one of those thai weighted jump ropes, and crazy body weight escercises and plyo for conditioning. wanting to also get into indian clubs.

    at my job we were taught like a krav maga lite class if you could call it that, not enough to really do anybody any real good, but like i said, everyone has things to teach you if you’re willing to be taught. not enough time to really learn anything but anything we can use on the streets, you know?

    still hoping to one day train in krav.

    what’s up people.


    Re: aloha

    oh , i’m still not skinny, i’m walking around at about 245, give or take, but that has more to do with my diet than anything else. i still eat all the local unhealthy crap i’m not suposed to. i’m happy, plus i carry around alot more muscle than ever before and i’m flexible enough to use my strength.

    five years ago i had a hard time putting on my socks and tieing my shoes. some of my older training partners and teachers still remind me of how when i first began training i couldn’t lift my leg up past my knee straight up. so like i said i’m happy.


    Re: aloha

    what’s up man. KM seems to be definitely a good choice for a martial art that is rooted in physical fitness. What attracted me to it aside from the practicallity was the amount of conditioning. Other schools I visited barely made me even break a sweat.

    Although there are some that are in my class that are finding out the hard way that outside conditioning is always a must.


    Re: aloha

    Congrats on the transformation! That is pretty inspirational. =)

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