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    OK – Might be a rediculous question, and sorry about the length but I’m in pain and I have to ask …

    My \”workout\” routine consists primarily of fight training (Krav & sparring/grappling) three-ish days per week, typically two to three hours per night. I’m in decent shape, but don’t do much else other than occasionally lifting, and some sports (basketball, etc …)

    So, I go for a run tonight and about 1.5 miles in, my lower back just starts killing me – Right above the pelvis on both sides … I was able to finish after slowing down for a bit (only about 2.5 miles total) but it was very uncomfortable, and is still a \”tight.\”

    What I wonder, is:

    Can this be due to poor posture/technique?

    Could it be terrain? I was on a packed dirt path in the foothills of Colorado (known as mountains in other places 😉 ) so there were several moderate to steep inclines/declines.

    Could it be shoes – Ran in Nike \”Pegasus\” crosstrainers …

    Could weather have anything to do with it? It was fairly cold (high 30’s).

    Appreciate anyone’s input!!!


    Jeff….Your just becoming an old fart.Not a runner.I’m at my fighting weight right now…..I’m too fat to run 🙄 Last year i was messing around with JKD and switched leads….strong side forward.I was having trouble making it thru class cause the lower back would tighten and hurt like hell.Muscular tightness.would loosen.Didn’t happen when i boxed…strong side back..I think our muscles get use to moving a certain way and when we use em’ differently it creates tension.Back extensions are helping to stregthen it.As an aside,i posted a link on the other board(wt) on self myofascial release which will help to relieve the soreness and repair it.Its under the Todays Workout thread in the fitness forum.If you have problems finding it,pm me over there andi’ll get you the info.though I’m working tomorrow nite and may not see it till thursday.So I take it,you won’t be asking rosie out in the near future 😈 Feel better


    ALL the factors you listed may have a part in causing your back to tighten up. As unstpabl1 mentioned, if you haven’t moved your body in that manner (I.E. Haven’t ran) in a long while, your muscles will naturally be tense and sore. Also, running hills does put allot more stress on your body, both back and legs. The cold weather will make it harder for the muscles you’re using to warm up properly and become elastic-like, which is what would typically happen as you start out. OR, perhaps you are just getting old! 😉

    A couple solutions:
    1) Back extensions and plenty of ab work. Keeping your abs strong will help keep your back strong, and vice versa.

    2) When you’re running up hill, try not to lean into it too much. Rather than leaning forward and taking big strides to get up the \”foot hill\”, try keeping yourself more upright and pump your arms in more of an up and down motion. What your arms are doing, your legs will tend to follow. This should lead to shorter but faster strides and less strain on your back from bending your waist as you try to climb the hill.

    Leaning into your run is a fairly common problem that allot of people have when they’ve never ran (or haven’t ran in a real long time). Try to keep upright even if you’re on flat ground or a decline. This not only keeps your lungs working at there best by opening the diaphragm, but it’ll also help your stride by allowing your hips to move (Kind of like when you try to throw a knee; it’s allot easier if you’re shoulders are back so your body isn’t working against itself). This will allow your legs to move with less effort, thus easing the strange from having to \”push\” your legs forward.

    Hope that helps.



    quote \”usnavy_233\:

    ALL the factors you listed may have a part in causing your back to tighten up. As unstpabl1 mentioned, if you haven’t moved your body in that manner (I.E. Haven’t ran) in a long while, …

    Your mucles will get used to a particular pattern of exercise, and even if you are in good shape if you switch modes of exercise your muscles will protest.

    I’ve noticed this going back and forth between KM traning and bicycling this year.


    My PT tells me lots of back problems are due to tight hip flexors – espcially in people who kick alot.

    Try stretching your hip flexors.



    You could also do back strengthening exercises, such as lying face down on the ground, then lifting your hands and legs. Or have someone sit on your legs and just lift your upper body.



    Thanks everyone – As always, great thoughts / advice …

    I think that, especially the way I feel tonight after fighting for 2.5 hours, the answer is to not run anymore! 😉



    quote \”kravjeff\:

    Thanks everyone – As always, great thoughts / advice …

    I think that, especially the way I feel tonight after fighting for 2.5 hours, the answer is to not run anymore! 😉

    Oh come on now, you’re not going to let some little annoyance like a muscle spasm in your back keep you from going out and having fun, are you?? 😉


    I think that, especially the way I feel tonight after fighting for 2.5 hours, the answer is to not run anymore!

    There you go! Like that old joke: \”Patient says, Doc my shoulder hurts when I lift my arm like this. Doc says, Well then, don’t lift your arm like that\” 😆

    Seriously though, I have never been a good runner. Both my lower back and shins start hurting when I try to run any distance. Back in my military days I used to try and run almost everyday during lunch. I had a hard time getting past two miles because my shins annd back hurt. To make up for it now, I spend about 30 to 45 minutes on the treadmill walking a fast pace (about 4.3 – 4.5 mph). Afterwards I work out circuit training (weight machines) for about 1.5 hours. I get a pretty good cardio and physical work out from that. (For my age anyway)


    Ha it’s ironic this topic is here, for me any how. Last night I went running (I didn’t get my usual bike ride in, winter makes it hard)
    I did about 2 miles, my planned route at a pretty hard pace. I’m still quite young keep in mind yet i haven’t been running for awhile.
    I’m sore this morning in my lower back and legs. It’s just what happens if you don’t keep at the work out.
    For awhile I thought I’d be alright because I literally bike every single day yet even that didn’t keep me from being sore today.

    I’d recommend keep running, if it starts to hurt slow your pace or even walk(not good to try and \”run through\” physical pain). If the problem persists then you’ll know it’s related to something else.



    Thanks everyone … In spite of Mike and Walt’s sarcasm, I’m not that old 😉

    Still pretty friggin’ sore, but appreciate all of the advice. I see in my future:

    Better running shoes,
    Better warmups,
    Better posture, and
    Flatter surfaces until I’m more used to the motion & use of these muscles that apparently I’d forgotten about.

    Thanks again!

    As an aside – During fight class Wed night I was whining about my back while working abs … We were doing \”scissiors\” and I dropped my feet – One instructor barked \”Don’t let your feet hit the floor!\” – \”My friggin’ back is killing me!\” … \”What happened?\” … \”I ran a few miles last night\” … \”What the hell did you do that for?\” …. 😆 😆



    Jeff,your only as old as you feel and when your back hurts life sucks. robertsontrainingsystems.com has an article called Feeling Better for 10 Bucks.its about self myofascile release using foam rollers.Its great,shows and explains how to W/ pictures.The article was written for Tnation and i’ve found some other articles there(tnation) on the subject.A self program of this kind of maintenence will save most atheletes from pain latter in life.In my case it saves me alot of money as I’m not making my chiros JAG payment.Use this as an excuse to start rolling.You’ll be surprised by how knoted your back is.It’ll hurt abit but it’ll get better.I started rolling a tennis with my feet and i’m amazed by the pain in my left foot which i didn’t know i had,but its releasing and all these other areas in my body are feeling better.Hope this helps


    Thanks Mike – I’ll check out your other post on WT too.

    Normally I feel, ohh … 25 ish – Tonight? 68 (I’m 37).



    Jeff this is the info from WT.I’ve been on night shoots yhis week.And I forgot I posted that earlier as my sleep schedule is screwed up.Feel Good!


    Dude, why are you running? Haven’t you learned enough Krav to stand and fight? 😈

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