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    I have a condition called Osteochondritis dissecans effecting my left knee. I’ve had it since i was 12 (that’s when i first started noticing the pain) but it wasn’t diagnosed until i was 26. I had knee surgery to get rid of the pain i felt everytime i fully extended my leg. It worked. However, now my knee hurts (10x more) in almost every other position when there is weight resistance. I certainly regret getting the surgery now, but that’s history. Does anyone else here cope with any joint injuries or pains and, if so, what have you found to be an effective treatment?


    Hey brotherobin:

    Sorry to hear about your OCD, are you still doing Krav with the knee pain you have?

    I don’t know much about it, but I know OCD can lead to osteoarthritis, which might be the pain you are experiencing now.

    I tore my ACL this past June and had reconstructive surgery in August. I haven’t returned to Krav yet (O.S. won’t let me pivot or take direct contact to the knee) so I can’t give you any advice on dealing with Krav and joint pain. But in my limited experience, knee pain is most successfully controlled by increasing muscle around the knee. I suggest you work on quad/hammy strengthening exercises. Straight leg raises with weights, squats (if you can bear them), lunges, hammy curls, steamboats and, most important (IMO), bike. Outside of that, you might want to see a Sports Medicine trained Orthopedic Surgeon. If you still have cartilage floating around in your knee you might need surgery again, otherwise he/she can refer you to a good physiotherapist to work out what could be arthritis.

    Good luck to you.


    From my experience as a podiatrist I can tell you that a lot of lower limb problems can come from bio-mechanical and mal-alignment problems.

    Go see a podiatrist.

    Just as a note, the basic krav stance puts a lot of strain on the achilles tendon and through the arch of the rear foot. I wonder how many people who do krav get problems in these areas.

    I get a burning pain in the arch of my right foot and I tend to favour fighting with left foot foreward.


    I just had arthroscopic surgery on my left knee – torn lateral meniscus. I took a week off and then started riding a stationary bike and doing some \”light\” bagwork and teaching Krav Maga again.

    I tore cartilage kicking a swinging thai bag on the wrong kind of workout surface – not our Krav Maga school.

    we avoid quite a few injuries by having the same kind of Swain mats they have at the NTC in LA, keeping the thai bags on the floor, and doing thorough warmups.

    My orthopedic surgeon told me the rest of my knee looks great. This kind of injury really sucks, because there is no way to train at all. I did some core conditioning, but was going stir crazy.

    Good luck – my advice to anyone who has a knee injury is to get quick, aggressive medical treatment – MRI, surgical consult. It is easy to waste way too much time screwing around, icing it, babying it, and having all of the Ups and Downs that come with knee problems.


    Sorry to repeat myself on this – I am not a medical professional, but I feel really strongly that getting good, prompt opinions from highly-recommended orthopedic surgeons is the difference between misery and recovery on these things.

    I typically try to find out who is trusted to work on professional athletes, and the like. There is a high variance in terms of qualifications and quality of this type of doctor, just like all others. Some orthopedic surgeons (such as mine) specialize only in knees and shoulders.


    I actually won’t be taking my first class for another week. I have pushed my knee in all possible positions so i do feel comfortable training. I have built up a sort of tolerance/acceptance of the pain, so i am able to work through it. However, there are certain positions in which my knee just won’t support weight (taking your advice… i will try to focus on gradual muscle development in those positions) It seems like those particular muscles are impossible to work, but it may just be that the pain is more intense in those areas. I will take it slow and maybe that will do it. I will get another check up too.


    Well… i found out today that i’ll possibly need a doctor’s release to train (which i totally understand) so… i’m hoping this condition doesn’t set me back. I’ve been doubling up on my glucosamine lately (syn-flex) in hopes that i’ll notice a significant change by next week.

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