Home Forums Krav Maga Worldwide Forums Locations Are the Locations listed being updated?

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    I ask because the Lakeland, Fl location claims to be an official Krav Maga center, and when I went there for a trial class they weren’t teaching the Krav Maga you guys speak of, they were teaching their own version. The instructor told me he was a cop and he knows what works on the street. He also referenced Moni. So that right there told me that they must not be current or offiliated with KMWW. I have also heard that some of the ATA locations aren’t teaching the Krav thats in the Book.
    I would like to know if there is a legit place in the Tampa Bay area that I could go and train.
    I brought this topic up a while ago but the listing is still in the location section.


    Re: Are the Locations listed being updated?

    To my knowledge, there are no KMWW certified schools in the Tampa area.
    Check out Steve Del Castillo’s schools:


    He is a very dedicated teacher and his Krav is solid.
    Tell him Gerry sent you.


    Re: Are the Locations listed being updated?

    quote gwalsh:

    To my knowledge, there are no KMWW certified schools in the Tampa area.
    Check out Steve Del Castillo’s schools:


    He is a very dedicated teacher and his Krav is solid.
    Tell him Gerry sent you.

    If Gerry says its good then it is.

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