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    OK…so I now have Bas’ CDs…..and once again have found a new to way to prove to myself that I am in horrible condition. LOVE the concept, I’ve only done the Boxing CD so far (the package was only delivered on Tuesday), and I thought it was great.

    How do you guys generally use these on a regular basis? Do you warm up with a few rounds of one, then do a few rounds of something else? Do you focus primarily on one CD or another? It seems like there would be a million ways to use this tool, just looking for what works for other people.


    Re: Bas Workouts

    I recently started doing one half-hour routine every morning. Alternating between one of the striking routines, and the all-around workout routines. That gives a good balance I think. I just started this two weeks ago and it has made an obvious difference already.

    One “fun” variation is to do the Boxing 2-minute rounds alternating between one round shadow boxing, one round of actual striking, and one round of sitting on the floor, legs wrapped around the bag and doing a situp between each combination… then back to shadow boxing. Ouch…


    Re: Bas Workouts

    if you have a partner, use thai pads with kicks after each combo. also u can switch stance one round.

    if you want to take it another level, get geared up with a partner and do the combos on the partner like you are sparing. 1 person is working on punching/kicking, the other is working on defenses.

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