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    I was interested in come comments on a self defense move. When I was first taught escape from a bear hug over the arms above the elbow, the technique was to re-grab the hands, then thrust the head back for a butt, while simultaneously dropping your weight and shooting your arms up and out at about 45 degree from the body to break the hold. More recently I have been told to basically ìthrow uppercutsî until the hold is broken. Are both correct, had the curriculum changed and if so why?


    I believe that way to get out of that particular bearhug (over the arms above the elbow) is to first bend your legs giving weight to your attacker (if they tried to throw you to the ground), stomp their feet, making sure your toes are facing the right and the left side so you get better aim, then move your arms back hitting their groin a few times and moving upper body for them to get go. After, beat them, throw elbows, knees etc.

    Does that sound right? It’s hard for me to explain unless I can actually see it. Hope that helps.


    Sorry, but none of them above sounds updated KM technique. At least in Israel they do different…


    It sounds like you are asking about a bearhug from behind when your arms are caught.

    In this case, as in all bearhugs, the general reaction is to drop your weight and counterattack. When you drop your weight, you are trying to gain a stable position and prevent yourself from being picked up or thrown.

    You must also IMMEDIATELY counterattack. Your counterattacks can include foot stomps and backward headbutts (not my personal favorite, but some people like this). Personally, I prefer to shift my hips to one side and strike the groin. If you get a reaction, it is good because his hips will go back and little, making it harder for him to move you. The arm movement related to a groin strike may also help make more space inside the bearhug, allowing you to make additional counters.


    The first thing you are describing sounds more like a Jiu Jitsu or MMA defense than Krav Maga. I know Oleg Taktarov used to teach something like that.

    What we do in Krav Maga is exactly what John described. I don’t think we’ve ever done it any differently.



    quote \”kmman\:

    Sorry, but none of them above sounds updated KM technique. At least in Israel they do different…

    Mind sharing what the do in Israel then?



    Thank you all for the feedback. I wonder why we learned something different; I guess i need to ask. 🙂


    As I know LA Center is pretty much in online connection with Israel (Eyal Yanilov) so I am sure the guys teach the updated techniques…


    maybe i can find out..

    I think all of our instructors just had a seminar in LA recently… Unless it was changed in the last 2 or 3 months.. it sounds like what johnwhitman stated is current… i can try to find out

    I do know for sure they apparently changed the basic punch using the leading arm.. not sure i like the change.. i think you lose a smidge of power but gain much faster recovery.. i think it is a better technique..just need to get used to it..

    just to add to the counter part.. basically, we’re taught to try EVERYTHING! whatever it takes to get the person off you.. order of counter attack type is dependent on the attackers position..whatever you do, do it and do it fast and hard..

    example scenario: someone grabs you in bearhug from behind, you drop your weight and bring the arms up to escape, but they grab you hard enough that it doesn’t work.. you try to swing your hips to the side to backhand or hammerfist the groin.. but they’re position is too good and and close and your only hitting their legs and it’s not doing anything.. if they’re that close.. maybe a backwards headbutt… try that.. but they’re taller than you and you only bounce off their chest…. then move to the shin scrape foot stomp… etc.. etc..



    What do you mean the basic punch was changed. I have spent some times with the israeli leadership, no punch was changed…

    your example scenario: sometimes headbutt back can cause damage for you too, for example when attacker is shorther…

    Your example:
    Hammer fist to the groin is not the best solution. Backhand is another not useful one…anyway, your solution is not the proper technique


    I don’t know anything about a left punch being changed, either.

    However, I ALSO know that obsessing over \”the proper technique\” can be silly, and I think the options given here are accurate. It’s also pointless to keep telling other people they are wrong without offering suggestions.


    In this situation the slap goes with open palm. Fist can be an option other situation.

    John, is that correct this way?:)


    Ah, I understand your point — sorry I misunderstood. I thought you were objecting to the overall technique. I didn’t realize you were referring to the groin strike itself. Yes, yes, a hammerfist to the groin — meaning a strike with the fist — isn’t the most effective. A slap with your hand, palm towards the groin, that snaps up into the groin is best.


    Hi John,

    I knew we were on the same opinion…:)



    quote \”Leftie79\:

    I believe that way to get out of that particular bearhug (over the arms above the elbow) is to first bend your legs giving weight to your attacker (if they tried to throw you to the ground), stomp their feet, making sure your toes are facing the right and the left side so you get better aim, then move your arms back hitting their groin a few times and moving upper body for them to get go. After, beat them, throw elbows, knees etc.

    Does that sound right? It’s hard for me to explain unless I can actually see it. Hope that helps.

    That sounds right. When they pitch forward, you can knee them, and elbow them in the face.

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