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    How many Blue Belt / Brown Belt Student Practitioners are there at your school? Please for the sake of privacy only list the school name, location, and number of studentís.

    At my school (the Dragon Academy of Martial Arts in Livonia, Michigan) there are currently 6 Active Blue Belts all working on Brown Belt. Hopefully by the beginning of August we will have 4 Brown Belts.


    Blue/Brown Belts

    That is very impressive! How often do you train and how long did it take you guys to achieve your belts (in terms of months) I know obtaining this level in Krav is very difficult – I am curious to know how often all of you train in Krav, conditioning, fighting, etc. I am currently an orange belt and see myself one day testing for blue. Any advice would be great!


    Hi KP

    In the front of the student handbook is a breakdown how long it should take to reach each level.

    I don’t have one handy but maybe someone can chime in.


    kravmagadfw.com has the curriculum for each level.


    Hey Krav Princess,

    Where do you train? I notice you are new to the forum and live in Michigan.


    I’m in the level 4 curriculum now and have been training for almost 2 years. I’ve had about 8 years of tae kwon do and 2 years of BJJ experience so that’s helped some in terms of fighting and kicking.


    Hi FA-

    I am currently training at Detroit Krav Maga in Troy. I am fortunate to train with two of the best instructors in Michigan – both of which have worked closely with Sam Sade, Darren L., and John W.

    This is a new school in the area and the students in level one go through a very intense program before they are given the opportunity to test. As you know, Krav is not about the belts – its about what you know. They have large level one classes and the level 2 classes are beginning to build 🙂 I believe that in time this school will accommodate a variety of levels – patience is a virtue! However, we have an AWESOME fight program that allows individuals to train in Intro Fight, Fight, MMA, and BJJ!!! If you like to spar then you would definitely benefit from the diverse group of fighters we have.

    I read you train at Dragon Academy in Livonia – if you ever get the chance you should stop by and train with us. I totally believe one day this school will be the best in Michigan!!!


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