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  • #31983

    I’ve been trainning KM for about four months now and I keep hurting the last two knuckles (above my ring and pinky finguers) of my right hand every time I hit the tombstone, doing straight strikes…

    (i’m sorry if the words I use sound funny: I’m new in this and my mother tongue isn’t the english language)

    I know it is because I’m punching in a wrong way, but i don’t know how to correct it… I try to punch the pad easy and slowly so I can get the technique, but every time the instructor yells “One hundred per cent!” I go ballistics and after a few strikes I end up bruising my knuckles again.

    I dont understand how come I can hit better with my left hand and do it so badly with my right, when I’m a right handed person… It’s really frustraiting because it limits my chances out there on the streets… and because it messes with my trainning…:banghead:

    Have you ever had this problem when you were a newbie?
    Greetings from Mexico


    Re: bruised knuckles

    by the way…
    when I say “bruised” I dont mean when the skin breaks (that hurts a lot but it doesnt really mathers to me) … I mean I end up with purple and swollen finguers and knuckles…



    Re: bruised knuckles

    Try to keep your elbows down for as long as possible while you are throwing your punch. I had the same problem when I first started and it was because I was trying to punch too hard. Remember to push with the back leg with every strike and turn your body. This will help you not lean in to the punch and put all your weight on your front leg.

    Try to relax and punch fast and explosively. Don’t try to punch hard when you’re first starting out, because you’ll just be practicing bad habits. Power comes from proper technique, speed and explosivenes.

    I’m going a little deep here, but to make a long story short. Just try to keep your elbows down, try to hit with the first two knuckles by not turning your punch over like some of the more experienced people may do. You can try punching with your knuckles lined up vertically (like if you were holding a mug), or at a slight 45 degree angle.

    Hope this helps.

    Tambien hablo Espanol si hay necesidad de traducion.


    Re: bruised knuckles

    Thanks a lot, doc! I’ll do it just as you told me… I’ll work my elbows and try not to get too excited… :rolleyes:

    Es usted todo un caballero…



    Re: bruised knuckles

    Thanks again, snakedoctor!
    I followed your advice at last night’s trining and it worked so good I didnt hurt myself at all…



    Re: bruised knuckles

    That’s great. I’m glad to hear it.



    Re: bruised knuckles

    I’m a big fan of the vertical punch, and quite often have new students use this until they gain more experience. It’s a great way to protect those bottom knuckles!

    Yo quiero dos cervesas?


    Re: bruised knuckles

    Cheers, then, phlegmon!

    PS. I guess I was doing horizontal punches cause the only training in martial arts that I ever had was a green belt in tae kwon do, and I quitted at age eleven :D:… They make you hit the pads with fancy horizontal punches, but that doesnt work too good when you put some real strenght and agresivness…


    Re: bruised knuckles

    There’s a good video about fist rotation at the top of this facebook page:

    You may need to sign up as a friend to see it.


    Re: bruised knuckles

    I’ll add my question in this post, since it’s on a similar topic to mine:

    I had my first KM class on Thursday, and while working the tombstone pads (punch shield) I grazed the skin on my middle knuckle on both hands. Now it doesn’t hurt too much or anything, but being a musician I don’t want to hurt my hands.

    My question is, how can I get it to heal as fast as possible (I’ve been putting on some healing cream from Vaseline company, as well as some petroleum jelly) and how can I prevent it happening in the future. We hit the pads without gloves or wraps or anything.

    So will my skin there toughen and it won’t happen again, or what? I have another class on Monday (in two days) and I don’t want to open it up again (it wasn’t bleeding) and am considering either reducing the power I put in my punches (my punches felt pretty weak anyway, I was so tired) or using palm strikes (but I am afraid of maybe hurting my wrists).

    At the moment (two days after the class) I basically have two bright red spots on my knuckles, and it stings a little to touch them.


    Re: bruised knuckles

    quote Liquid Rockface:

    I’ll add my question in this post, since it’s on a similar topic to mine:

    I had my first KM class on Thursday, and while working the tombstone pads (punch shield) I grazed the skin on my middle knuckle on both hands. Now it doesn’t hurt too much or anything, but being a musician I don’t want to hurt my hands.

    My question is, how can I get it to heal as fast as possible (I’ve been putting on some healing cream from Vaseline company, as well as some petroleum jelly) and how can I prevent it happening in the future. We hit the pads without gloves or wraps or anything.

    So will my skin there toughen and it won’t happen again, or what? I have another class on Monday (in two days) and I don’t want to open it up again (it wasn’t bleeding) and am considering either reducing the power I put in my punches (my punches felt pretty weak anyway, I was so tired) or using palm strikes (but I am afraid of maybe hurting my wrists).

    At the moment (two days after the class) I basically have two bright red spots on my knuckles, and it stings a little to touch them.

    Unless there is some formal rule that doesn’t allow you to use gloves or wraps, then use them. What good is it to damage the skin on your hands? If your hands hurt you can’t train effectively. Just a thin pair of fingerless cycling or weightlifting gloves is enough to protect your skin.


    Re: bruised knuckles

    Liquid RF
    You can use a lotion called Ditjow (sp?)
    It will help heal and toughen your knuckles.

    Also, using proper technique and vertical knuckle strikes could alliviate your problem. Good Luck JL

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