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    ok. This is driving me crazy. The Dr. said I cant train if my shoulder hurts. Sneezing hurts. I can’t really run because I have to swing my arm. Can’t punch. Any ideas? My MRI is three weeks out. I am going freeking nuts here.


    Re: Can’t train…torn rotator cuff

    You’re stuck as far as KM is concerned. You can either kill yourself permanently by pushing it or take the time to recoup so you can eventually get back into it. What you’re going to have to focus on is three basic areas.

    1. Every area of your body you can exercise without your arm being involved:
    Jumping Jacks with legs only
    Jumping Lunges

    2. Cardiovascular – This is the hardest to build up and the easiest to lose. You have to be doing something here. Preferably look up one of the several threads about Tabata exercises and apply those principles to riding an exercise bike (sprinting and then coasting) or similar machine or the squats and situps from #1. If you lose what you’ve gained here, you’re going to be months behind when you come back. It will start vanishing literally within a matter of days.

    3. Mental: I’ve read a number of stories about golfers, baseball players, or people who were involved in various other sports with the need to memorize and perfect various physical movements. In each story, the individual would be immobilized for a period of time due to either prison, sickness or whatever. During their immobile time they would spend a good deal of time visualizing the movements, tactics, and responses required for their sport or discipline. They would try to make their visualization perfect in every way with every muscle in place, body weight perfectly shifted, and flawless accuracy. In every story that I’ve heard substantiated, the athelete would return and immediately show remarkable advances in the perfection of their technique. One golfer in particular knocked over 10 strokes off of his game. Get some of the Krav Maga books and walk your way through every move mentally. Visualize exactly how your body would have to be and your mental state in each situation. If you’ve never done this before, it will be difficult. It’s just like any other exercise. And one more thing…VISUALIZE BEATING THE SNOT OUT OF THE OTHER GUY! Good luck to you and please let us know how the MRI turns out.


    Re: Can’t train…torn rotator cuff

    Where is your pain at? I’ve had shoulder issues for 3 years. Got an MRI, Physical Therapy, recently got a cortizone shot in the sucker. Its supposedly not a rotator cuff issue they can see through an MRI and its likely the only way they can see what’s happening is to go in and scope it out.

    Are you getting an MRI with an arthogram(sp)?


    Re: Can’t train…torn rotator cuff

    my .02 for what its worth is to sling your arm and focus on the parts of your body that you can work out with our aggravating your shoulder. I totally understand you desire to one hundred and Krav percent. Just be careful bud


    Re: Can’t train…torn rotator cuff

    Posted this yesteday, afternoon then went for a light jog. Then I did some leg work on the heavy bag. My tenacity got the best of me.

    I went to class last night and just did not use my left arm. I kept it in close to my body and didn’t push it. It was good to be able to train. I think that I will keep doing that until the Drs. figure out what is going on. The techniques are burried in, but the physical conditioning needs work. I see what you are saying Jesse about cardio….damn. My wind is gone. I need to get that back. Thanks for the support guys.


    Re: Can’t train…torn rotator cuff

    Keep it up, man. Just remember you have to think longer term with an injury like that. Where do you see yourself in a year if you push it too hard? What about if you let it heal right? We’re rooting for ya.


    Re: Can’t train…torn rotator cuff

    Well I guess it is time for an update. Mri showed no rotator cuff tear. Instead it showed what could be a damaged Labrum…:-(. That means that surgery is not a reliable option. I am doing PT. The Dr thinks it could be a year before it quits hurting. The tough part is that I cannot really practice the advanced techniques. I have been going to the basic classes just to stay in shape and not lose all my skills. Thanks for the support.

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