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    Okay I have been wanting to learn KM but there are no schools where I’m from there is a group of people however who do CKM near me and meet regularly. I’ve heard a lot of drama about CKM founder but nothing about CKM as it pertains if it works or not. I’m liking how it looks since it teaches disarming and deals with situations I am Likely to encounter in my profession(protection) I have military hand to hand training but but am looking to improve

    Please I don’t care for opinions on the founders disputed history. I want to know if its worth my time to do this or should I look at another form like karate?


    Re: CKM? Is it worth looking into?



    Re: CKM? Is it worth looking into?

    I think CKM techniques work, but it is not “Krav Maga,” as that was just stuck onto it for marketing purposes with the rising popularity of Krav. CKM is more of a modified variation of Judo/Jiujitsu if I am not mistaken.


    Re: CKM? Is it worth looking into?


    I posted something about this one one of the other threads but at the risk of repeating myself I’ll, er, repeat myself:

    Hi All

    It’s been a while since I posted on these boards. I moved to the back of beyond so it’s taken a while to get the internet back (and in view of recent events, moving out of London may have proved a very effective self defence strategy). I apologise if I’m saying something that’s already old news. I haven’t been able to check all that’s been posted in the last few years. I’m just pleasantly surprised that my log-in still works.

    Anyway to get to the point:

    I’ll stay out of the politics re Moni’s bona fides. I can however comment on his teaching methods/CKM system.

    The Krav group I’m associated with did have some dealings with Moni and for a while it looked like we might go down the CKM route. For various reasons that’s gone by the wayside. I did however have an opportunity to train with Moni.

    Firstly, as an instructor he’s very charismatic and presents his concepts well. As to the style itself however I’m not sure it would be immediately recognizable to most on this board as Krav. Now I’m all into the ‘adopt what works for you, abandon what doesn’t’ approach. That’s one of the many reasons I love Krav. Moni’s style is very different from what you might be used to. Some of the basics are the same but then again it’s only what you’d expect from any decent self defence system; there aren’t that many ways to efficiently use your bodies natural weapons.

    The main difference is in the actual self defence techniques. Friends who are into Aikido say a lot of the moves were familiar to them. Apart from watching “Under Siege” about a thousand times i have no real experience of Aikido so can’t comment personally on that. However I did find that a lot of the moves were a little over complicated for a simple minded soul like myself. There was a lot of getting of line and using the attackers momentum etc. The style seems a bit more ‘graceful’ than the KM I’m used to. it certainly looks better (in a wow factor sense) but I’m not sure that’s a good test for effectiveness.

    Most of the techniques required a higher skill level than you’d need for the KM equivalent. I think you’d have to practice a lot longer in CKM to achieve the same level of achievement than you’d get in KM in a much shorter time. I think there was also a lot more that could go wrong with the techniques than in the ‘original’ KM equivalent.

    Essentially CKM seemed to break the KISS rule that is pretty much writ in stone as far as I’m concerned.

    Is it likely to be as effective on the street for a ‘normal’ person? I’d say a definite ‘no’. the techniques were hard enough to pull off in a classroom setting. I have severe doubts about whether I’d be able to rise/sink to the level required to make them work when i was pumped full of adrenaline and ****ing myself.

    The defences against a knife attack are quite effective if you get them right; but they do depend a lot on getting you positioning spot on and your timing near perfect.

    On the positive side, CKM has an interesting approach to gun disarms. They rely on very quick (almost ‘slight of hand’) to snatch the weapon away from the attacker. There’s no simultaneous counter attack. That makes it quicker of course but you’re still left with a fully functioning attacker. No problem if you’ve now got a working firearm; but maybe not so handy if (as is likely to be the case in the UK) the weapon is a replica or a re-activated blank firer that may take your hand off if you use it. You’ve now got to get busy with someone who’s p***ed off with you and knows he’s going to have to switch to his ‘A’ game on you. If you were in a military situation though where you know the weapon is real and your enemy is wearing body armour/other protection it may well be worth learning. Athough in that situation you’d probably have a weapon of your own or a mate who could shoot the other guy for you.

    So in summary, although I’ve borrowed a few techniques fro my toolkit, CKM generally is not for me. A very skilled and committed martial artist could no doubt get to the requisite level to make the techniques work for them a significant percentage of the time but even if they did I’m not sure, in terms of effectiveness, the end result would be any better than you’d get with the equivalent KM move in regard to survivability. You would look flashier on any CCTV footage though. As i’d always want the authorities to think I was an average citizen who just managed to land a lucky blow (or 5) though I’m not sure I’d want that.




    Re: CKM? Is it worth looking into?

    Thanks for the honest posts. I think I’m going to just buy some real km videos and train with some friends but also go to the CKM occasionally to practice with different people as well.


    Re: CKM? Is it worth looking into?

    quote 9×19:

    Thanks for the honest posts. I think I’m going to just buy some real km videos and train with some friends but also go to the CKM occasionally to practice with different people as well.

    I would invest in the videos, but avoid the ckm (my opinion). Maybe try something else like judo, Muay Thai or jkd instead if you can’t find a legitimate KM instructor.

    There’s just too much info about ckm that should serve as a massive red flag for you. Buyer beware as they say.


    Re: CKM? Is it worth looking into?

    Seems that every year there are more and more new Krav Maga organizations and they all are becoming more different as time goes bye.
    I am getting confused with them all.
    Some Krav focus more on ground and others focus more on weapons at the beginning. Some focus more on civilian self defense and use weapons later.

    I think the IKMA in ISrael does the most Ground fighting and has a more MMA approach. THE IKMF seems to incorporate weapons from day one I read. The World Wide which I use seems different too.
    Really damn confusing and I wonder if all these heads from the different organizations even talk to each other. Too bad we do not have a more united Krav because this would be better for all.


    Re: CKM? Is it worth looking into?

    I Think it is good to do other martial arts depending on what Krav you do.

    I started training in Muay thai about 18 months ago. Even through I would get killed in a ring, I have learned some good skills in striking that I was lacking in Krav MAGA.

    Some people study BJJ which would greatly enhance your ground game because KMWW is pretty weak in this department.

    Judo is mostly throws and many clubs have little ground work at all.


    Re: CKM? Is it worth looking into?

    HI Bear. I see you train at the IKMF. I wonder if it more similar or different to my KMWW system. I guess I will never know.

    If you live in Minneaplois I think you have one of the best Muay Thai trainers in the USA in MR. Greg Nelson. He is world known in both Muay thai and wrestling.


    Re: CKM? Is it worth looking into?

    quote 9×19:

    Okay I have been wanting to learn KM but there are no schools where I’m from there is a group of people however who do CKM near me and meet regularly. I’ve heard a lot of drama about CKM founder but nothing about CKM as it pertains if it works or not. I’m liking how it looks since it teaches disarming and deals with situations I am Likely to encounter in my profession(protection) I have military hand to hand training but but am looking to improve

    Please I don’t care for opinions on the founders disputed history. I want to know if its worth my time to do this or should I look at another form like karate?

    I’d stay away from karate as – in my opinion – most McDojos are belt mills.

    If you don’t have a proper place to train KM check for Jeet Kune Do or Muay Thai.

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