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    I saw a few folks speak up on another thread mentioning ACL injuries. I recently tore my ACL; I have surgery in a few weeks to repair it. I’d like to come back to Krav as soon as I can. Krav has been a six year habit so far; I don’t want to stop. For those of you who have had an ACL injury how soon did you come back? I’m 43, the doctor says six month to “full activity” but I have heard others say a year to recover is more realistic. I was hoping to return in a limited way before even six months. Maybe I’ll change my mind on this after a few weeks/months of therapy. Any of you have thoughts on coming back from an ACL injury?


    Re: Coming back to Krav after an ACL injury?

    quote davidx:

    I saw a few folks speak up on another thread mentioning ACL injuries. I recently tore my ACL; I have surgery in a few weeks to repair it. I’d like to come back to Krav as soon as I can. Krav has been a six year habit so far; I don’t want to stop. For those of you who have had an ACL injury how soon did you come back? I’m 43, the doctor says six month to “full activity” but I have heard others say a year to recover is more realistic. I was hoping to return in a limited way before even six months. Maybe I’ll change my mind on this after a few weeks/months of therapy. Any of you have thoughts on coming back from an ACL injury?

    Sorry to hear about your misfortune.

    I have never damaged an ACL but, happen to know there are 2 or 3 different kinds of surgical repair techniques. Ask the surgeon about those techniques and which one might be best for you.

    I bet if you search the net for ‘ACL recovery’ you’ll probably find a lot of info.

    If you don’t mind being asked, how did the injury occur?

    Hook or crook, stay positive and keep your spirits up.


    Re: Coming back to Krav after an ACL injury?

    Hey, David. Sorry to hear about your injury. While I’m no doctor (and I don’t play one on t.v.), I am happy to share what I know and experienced in case it can help you in any way.

    There are so many different opinions out there from what kind of rehab program to follow and how soon to return to various activities. Recovery depends on your age, your fitness/strength level, the type of ligament replacement you chose, and genetics (everyone’s body repairs and heals differently). I think the best advice you can get is to gather as many good-sourced opinions, and then go with what you think is best for you.

    I severed my ACL in Dec. ’05 and had surgery a month later in Jan. ’06. I used my patella tendon for the repair, since for my age (I was 35 then) and my activity level (very high), the patella ligament would result in less laxity than using a section of my hamstring. I also didn’t want to use cadaver tissue b/c, while recovery is much faster since you’re not cutting into your body; only inserting the replacement ligament, the risk of failure in cadaver ligaments, if I recall, is about 20%. (I could be off on that figure though. I used to represent a German tissue procurement/processing company back in ’05 who was sued by severaly patients who alleged their ACL cadaver ligament failed b/c of the company’s irradiation/processing technique, and I think that was the industry statistic.) Incidentally, I was in Germany with that client just a week before my surgery, and they were of the opinion that 9mos to 12mos is the proper recovery time before returning to full activity. They said Americans have a problem following their doctor’s orders and sticking to the full rehab program, and usually cut it too short and then the ligament either fails, or they suffer other injuries.

    I was in the pool within 4 weeks of surgery – not kicking – but pulling, so that I could maintain as much upper body strength. I did the rehab that my doctor ordered, although I felt like it wasn’t enough. I think it was 1 or 2 times a week starting with just getting full flexion and extenion, then riding a stationary bike, trying to walk normally on a treadmill and then gradually increasing strength and getting up to a jog (3 or 4 months?) and then a run (4 or 5 months?). I returned to krav in very low level activity in July (6mos.)

    You will notice improvements in strength and stability every week, which is encouraging. And the most important thing you can do both before and after surgery, is to continue to do weight training to strengthen your quads and hamstrings (the best way to prevent future ACL and other knee ligament injuries).

    I hope this helps you in some way, and I wish you an easy surgery and speedy and complete recovery!


    Re: Coming back to Krav after an ACL injury?

    RFC: The ACl tear happened in fight class. My partner was too enthusiastic (or perhaps I just need to improve); I jabbed; he stepped offside and simultaneously swept my leg while landing a punchóat least thatís what I think happened. My foot did not move along the floor and my knee gave way. The ACL was torn at the femoral attachment, along with tearing and bruising the muscle around it. Stuff happens sometimes.

    Miriam: thank you for the perspective. I declined to use donor tissues for similar concerns. I guess I am in for a long slow recovery; no Krav for a while. This sucks.

    Iím going to have to figure out some way to keep the weight down and retain the little conditioning and muscle I have.


    Re: Coming back to Krav after an ACL injury?

    David, on another note, while you’re starting rehab. Check out the PTs the doc really likes. If you see them slapping any kind of heating pads on, having you do a bunch of machine exercises like leg extensions/curls etc-run like the wind. Find a place that specializes in sports injuries, and I don’t mean golf. Often, good places are connected with college or pro teams,have PT that are also Athletic trainers and have been athletes themselves. By the time you are in advanced phases you should be jumping, turning, cutting.


    Re: Coming back to Krav after an ACL injury?

    I had 75% of my meniscus cut off after one unfortunate soccer game. It took me 2 years to get back to Krav. But i didn’t have any physical therapy

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