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    Hey Guys/Girls

    I’m really interested in learning Krav Maga. It’s something that I’ve listed as my New Years Resolutions. I love the idea of been able to defend myself.

    I’ve never done any form of self defense before so I am really new at this. I do have an issue though and I’m wondering if any of you guys experience it too and what you did to overcome it.

    The issue is that when I get into a confrontation (something like been mugged), I almost freeze and become very fearful. It gets to the extent that I completely “lock-up” and am at the mercy of the other person.

    I don’t think it’s because I am a wimp of anything, I just cant control my body when it goes into this fearful/anxiety mode.

    How would I go about over coming this?



    Re: Completely lock-up

    Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many untrained people react that way to a real-world violent confrontation. A big part of krav, maybe more important than the techniques, is learning to overcome those fears through stress drills, etc. It will all be part of your training if you go to a good krav school. That’s what really sets krav apart from the traditional martial arts. They teach techniques but they don’t teach you how to remember them when you are scared and tired and someone is trying to hurt you.


    Re: Completely lock-up

    quote catapult:

    Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many untrained people react that way to a real-world violent confrontation. A big part of krav, maybe more important than the techniques, is learning to overcome those fears through stress drills, etc. It will all be part of your training if you go to a good krav school. That’s what really sets krav apart from the traditional martial arts. They teach techniques but they don’t teach you how to remember them when you are scared and tired and someone is trying to hurt you.

    Nicely stated.

    Bruce. Training will give you both skill and self confidence. You’ll be OK.


    Re: Completely lock-up

    Welcome to the forum

    Very natural if you’ve never trained before. Once you start going, believe me your body will remember and before you know you won’t be freezing. It may take a while but it’ll come:wav: It’s not natural to let yourself get hit.


    Re: Completely lock-up

    Krav trains you to flip a switch from 0-120mph if you were to encounter a violent confrontation through realistic stress drills. It comes with the system and you’ll overcome this speed bump in no time. Just remember, you have to put as much effort in training to get the most out of it. I have seen some people half ass their training when we are doing our stress drills.


    Re: Completely lock-up

    I recommend reading a couple books by Sgt. Rory Miller, in particular Meditations on Violence and Facing Violence. Miller discusses the OODA loop. OODA is Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act. Apparently OODA was originally developed for strategic warfighting. But Miller applies it to the stages that one might go through when under personal attack. Miller states that one’s OODA loop can be reset before the Act phase, with bad consequences. Krav training will keep you from spending much time on the Orient and Decide phases and help you go straight to the Act phase.


    Re: Completely lock-up

    This is very natural to people who never trained before. You will gain more confidence by training Krav Maga in a while.


    Re: Completely lock-up

    quote KMyoshi:

    Krav trains you to flip a switch from 0-120mph if you were to encounter a violent confrontation through realistic stress drills. It comes with the system and you’ll overcome this speed bump in no time. Just remember, you have to put as much effort in training to get the most out of it. I have seen some people half ass their training when we are doing our stress drills.

    Very good advice, put 100% in to it. Also, after a few times in the middle of an aggression drill will get you in the mindset you’ll need to let muscle memory take over.

    The next step will be to learn how to deal with the adrenaline dump after an event, but the important part is being alive and well enough to have it to deal with.


    Re: Completely lock-up

    quote bruce:

    Hey Guys/Girls

    I don’t think it’s because I am a wimp of anything, I just cant control my body when it goes into this fearful/anxiety mode.

    How would I go about over coming this?

    Take Krav classes.

    It’s just retraining your body how to react when threatened. It’s not that you won’t feel fear, on the contrary you need fear to survive, but instead you can overcome freeze ups and react in a way that gets you out safe, whether that’s de-escalating, attacking, or just escaping.

    No need to prep for Krav classes because of freeze ups etc, just go and have fun.


    Re: Completely lock-up

    As i see it: Most human beings are frightened when they feel hopeless, when danger overcomes them, or just when the challenge it to big for their shoes. as a result of that you eventually pretty much have consented to the inevitable outcome that affect your life. furthermore,

    it is already known that MA’s arent meant to be taught only to fight. it’s a lifestyle. it’s a force that keeps you going, that occupy your mind and body and allows you to prepare yourself better for different experiences you may bump into.

    similar to adopting a dog. the sense of responsibility of caring for someone else is a lesson one may value dearly when growing up. when going through a porgram of MA or self defense you have the chance to revalue what you strong at, and what you less strong at, what are your weaknesses, and how to overcome them. this is not exclusive to the MA world. There’s no wrong in going through an experience that involves body & soul training which can only benefit you at the long run despite what you may be facing. this whole concept is not about making you a better fighter per say, but making you a less frightened person that isnt afriad to deal with what comes up his way.

    And in relation to actual self defense techniques its obvious that when you go through an experience of constant fighting and constant training you eventually become a better fighter and able to read situations better and react appropriately.

    in contrast to being hopeless and lose the sense of control, being involved in any MA allows you to regain some of the control at the most desperate situations.

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