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  • #33068

    Hello everybody. I am considering training in KM and had a few questions hoping to maybe gather some insight.

    The local school in here in Spokane WA lists a Brayson Buckner as a head instructor. I was wondering if anyone here knows of him or had any experience with him and his team. Listed are classes in Krav I & II and other classes. Just doing a little due dillagence.

    Also, what exactly is “Force training”.

    Thank you in advance or any replies.


    Re: Considering Krav

    Welcome to the forum,

    You can find KMWW locations here

    Force Training I believe is more geared towards Law Enforcement and the Military

    Hope this helps:wav:


    Re: Considering Krav

    Ahh, ty. The instructor is listed there, I found his sight earlier.

    Wondering if anyone has any experience with him?

    With regard to Force training, geared towards LE or military, how so?
    Is the training reserved for LE and military only?
    Pardon my ignorance in advance.

    Again, Ty


    Re: Considering Krav

    I have no firsthand knowledge, but I couldn’t resist taking a peek at the website. Some of the info is a little vague. First, how long is “several” years? It could be 3 years or 30. Second, what level is the instructor? You don’t have to be a black belt to teach. Most of my instructors are not black belts, and they are awesome. Still, I feel that people should be upfront about their time in the system and skill level (I’m not saying that the bio is intentionally deceptive, just that it’s less specific than I like). I would shoot them an email so you have all the info. Ask those two questions and most importantly, check out a class and decide for yourself. Even if he’s only been doing it for a few years, he could still be very good at what he does.


    Re: Considering Krav

    Force Training Division is reserved for LE and military only. We teach stuff that we don’t want the bad guys to “accidentally” find out about. As instructors we signed a waiver promising not to teach restricted material outside the LE and military community.


    Re: Considering Krav

    oldKMdue, Thank you for the reply. I have no experience with Krav, so its had to asess good Krav from bad Krav, having said that I have enough expereince to know good technique from bad. Keeping in mind of course, that diffent styles do different things diffent ways, so not to judge to quickly due to a lack of complete understanding. In any event, I think as a student, and ultimitley a cutomer, its responsible to fully understand who is teacing you, and there qualifications.

    resqr1, Thank you for your reply. With regards to military, does this apply to active duty personel only? Is prior service in a combat carrer field considered sufficient?


    Re: Considering Krav

    quote Journey:

    resqr1, Thank you for your reply. With regards to military, does this apply to active duty personel only? Is prior service in a combat carrer field considered sufficient?

    I am interested in this as well, in the event that the response has gone the PM route.


    Re: Considering Krav

    quote TacticalTimmy:

    I am interested in this as well, in the event that the response has gone the PM route.

    No response as of yet, I’ll let you know.

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