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    I am very interested in Krav Maga. I live in downtown DC, crappy gun laws and all. My question is that I’m trying to choose between two KM locations. One is Capital Krav Maga (, which is actually in Falls Church,VA and the other is Krav Maga DC (, which offers classes in two DC spots. Both of the locations/instructors look respectable to me. I’m also considering Jin Pal Hakido in Rockville, Md. I am a former college boxer, bouncer, and current powerlifter who want to freshen up my skills and learn something new. Any suggestions/recommendations/opinions about either place??? Any help is greatly appreciated.


    abeast, I have trained with and/or trained all of the instructors at both schools (and will be back at KMDC in January), and the best advice I can give is try both. We all have different goals and different preferences. I suggest simply giving each a shot. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed at either.


    I’m a student at KMDC and I’d recommend it without reservation. I don’t have any experience with Fighter’s Garage but I haven’t heard anything bad about them, either. KMDC has classes that support krav maga, which I think is pretty cool. They have yoga, fight, drills, and grappling. I’ve given them all a try, and if I weren’t too busy with other things I’d take them all. The teachers are enthusiastic and excellent at explaining technicalities and diagnosiing problems.


    Ryan, thanks for the nice words.

    abeast, you’re more than welcome to come to our school and check out what we have to offer. To be honest, you’ll probably find that the real decision you have to make is which school is more convenient to get to, as is the case in anything in this godforsaken area. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected].

    -Vince Tur-Rojas
    Instructor, Capital Krav Maga


    Yeah, I agree with Vince. You need to factor in the drive/time from work, from your house, etc. Check both out and see which fits best.

    Hey \”Armor\” 8):

    Hope the Gama stuff helped out. Please have Otis contact me:
    [email protected]. Happy Holidays, broder.


    I was a member of MPDC while I lived in Washington and know of several officers who trained at KMDC. They had nothing but good things to say about the instructor out there. Both had prior martial arts experience and believed the classes were top notch.

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