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    I have been reading the Krav Maga for Beginners book and I have some questions about defenses.

    What is everyone’s thoughts on some of the best defenses against the “big right hand” in a street rather than sparring situation?

    In sparring, trained people tend to throw either tight hooks or straight shots. However, in a street situation I will lack knowledge about the attacker and I won’t know if he has a proclivity for throwing straight rights, hooking shots or a hybrid that is a looping punch.

    I was curious about everyone’s old reliable against the big right hand. What defense is the most forgiving if you misread the trajectory of your opponent’s punch?




    Re: Defense vs the big right hand

    If it isn’t coming straight at me, has some sort of hook, good ol’ 360 defenses work. Level 3 teaches outside defenses that work, but I usually resort to a 360 block.


    Re: Defense vs the big right hand

    360 is an outside defense


    Re: Defense vs the big right hand

    To clear any confusion about what I mean with outside defenses…

    Some do call 360 defenses outside defenses due to the fact that they defend the outside of your body (not defending the center line, or inside of the body like inside defense). Green belt has 5 defenses called outside defense which are basically modifications to the 360 defenses. These 5 address issues of your hands being or body not being in an ideal position; such as hands are down, only able to use one hand or happen to be bent over tying your shoe or the punch is a small looping straight/hook hybrid.


    Re: Defense vs the big right hand

    Just curious here. Are these 5 defenses that are modified from the basic 360 defense better that the 360 defenses and could they be used instead of the 360 defenses? If they can be, why not teach them from the beginning? Not looking for a “you have to learn to crawl before you can walk” answer. Thanks.


    Re: Defense vs the big right hand

    they aren’t “better” than the 360 defenses, they’re just different tools to be used. The outside defenses are generally used when you are out of position, as in, you are not in a fighting stance, your hands aren’t up, or you have only one had to use…i know, i said this already.

    they could be used instead, as i have done this before. but they work best protecting the upper body, especially the head. the 360 defenses work well covering the whole body.

    as for being taught at a higher level, i personally don’t want my beginner students to think too much. i don’t want them to try and decide which is better for that situation, i just want them to react to the threat. and since the outside defenses are built upon, or slightly modified from 360, it is easier to teach 360 first. from the 360 defenses, outside defenses are easier to learn. now, more advanced beginners (had previous training) i have no problem teaching this to early on because they understand positioning. for people who have no experience, explaining to infinite scenarios you can get in to can be an overload. so, i can say 360 defense is a good all purpose general defense, where as an outside defense is a specific defense to a specific attack.

    i hope this helps, and if anyone else can clarify what i said, by all means…..


    Re: Defense vs the big right hand

    Very good explanation, no need for futher explanations. Like I said, I was just curious. Thanks.


    Re: Defense vs the big right hand

    Thanks for the responses. This is helpful information.

    In the beginners book, it mentions a slight head movement when you do an outside defense. Which direction should you move your head? Directly forward, to the side opposite the attack or at 45 degree angles away from the attack?

    Thanks again,



    Re: Defense vs the big right hand

    Marc, the head movement is typically forward in this situation.


    Re: Defense vs the big right hand

    Depends where my hands were, but lets just say that they are in a tight ‘boxing’ type guard.

    In this case I would raise the elbow to protect the chin at the same time my forearm will be protecting my temple and my hand just behind my ear.

    If I was in a stand off and I saw a big looping right coming, then you can beat the 360 defence as stated above.


    Re: Defense vs the big right hand

    Ryan: Thank you for the explanation of the head movement. It makes sense to move inside the “eye of the storm.”

    jaspthecat: In the beginners Krav Maga book, it mentions that the extended defense is almost always preferred over the tight cover when defending the hook. Is the cover a better option if you aren’t sure if your oppponent is throwing a hook or a cross and your hands are up?



    Re: Defense vs the big right hand

    Marc, for the purposes of KM, the extended defense is generally preferred, in case the attacker has an edged weapon. The covering defense allows the attack to come too close, if there is a weapon involved.


    Re: Defense vs the big right hand

    quote Marc1000:

    Ryan: Thank you for the explanation of the head movement. It makes sense to move inside the “eye of the storm.”

    jaspthecat: In the beginners Krav Maga book, it mentions that the extended defense is almost always preferred over the tight cover when defending the hook. Is the cover a better option if you aren’t sure if your oppponent is throwing a hook or a cross and your hands are up?


    Thankfully, I’ve only ever had to use the technique in sparring so I’m not going to come over all internet ninja and tell you it’s the only way.

    My experience is that if you have your hand to your temples in a guard position, then moving your elbow up is going to be quicker than extending an arm to block.

    However, as Ryan pointed out, in Krav, an arm out block is the preferred option, so that’s probably the best method to learn. I was just offering an alternative view.


    Re: Defense vs the big right hand

    It’s certainly not the only way, and in our Fit to Fight program, we teach defending hooks as you describe.


    Re: Defense vs the big right hand


    Thanks for the great responses. The quality of this forum reflects well on Krav Maga.

    Ryan: Your books are really helpful and well written.


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