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    Ok had an issue tonight that could have turned into something ugly but luckily it didn’t. A bit of background, I am interested in learning KM but due to some circumstances beyond my control I can’t take classes at this time…anyway, I have no MA experience, and have had my concealed handgun license for about 5 years now…here’s what happened.

    My wife calls me on her way home from her mom’s house and says that some guy in a truck cut her off big time and now he’s following her, slamming on his breaks, swirving (sp?) towards her, and riding her rear bumper on the freeway…BTW she has our three kids plus our 7-month old in the car. She’s freaking out and is scared, and says that she’s almost home. I tell her to meet me in the parking lot of a grocery store by my house, about two blocks away and on the way home. I don’t know what this guy is capable of or who he is, only that he’s harrassing my wife and is following her home. I take my Glock with me and head to the store.

    Now I’m hauling azz so fast I forget my cell phone and end up taking the cordless phone instead (dumb i know)…I’m wearing shorts so i just stick the Glock under the front seat…and while I’m waiting for her my mind is running a thousand miles a minute…if I only knew KM, how would it come into play here, how should I deal with this situation. Well she pulls up and she’s by herself, turns out he finally turned off the freeway a few minutes after she talked to me, she thinks he freaked out because he saw her picking up the phone and thought she was calling the police.

    My question is (sorry for the long post), do you think I handled the situation ok, how would you have handled the situation, and how do you think KM would have come into play in a situation like this…would really like to learn KM and would like to see how yall feel it would have played with someone that is fairly proficient in KM…thanks.!!!


    What was the guy driving? Lol.. I had a guy in a pickup want to fight me for going to slow through the jack in the box drive through (when there was someone in front of me ) and ram my car repeatedly recently.. instead of fighting, I just called the police and now this guy is gonna pay my repairs and probably go to jail.. be funny if it was the same guy!
    I think you going, and calling the police at the same time is the best idea. Make sure you both know where the police stations are in Arlington and head there.. there is a new on on Green Oaks now in SW Arlington.
    The thing I fear is, as a trained martial artist/black belt/ with tons of tournaments and fights.. if I do fight.. would I not get sued civilly even if I get off from the legal aspect.
    It is hard to think of these things in a split second too.
    I say make a plan with her for these kinds of things. Especially for her if you can’t be there. I do this with my wife since I am leaving (though she is a red belt, taken Krav, and I am getting her a gun and training her on it.)
    Of course, I do agree with you going too.. if the police are not there.. you are..


    This guy was in a big ol’ pickup truck…my oldest said he looked like some kind of biker dude. Man those 3 minutes I was waiting there for her my adrenaline was through the roof…I figured if he already cut her off numerous times and is following her home from there, there’s gotta be something he’s planning on doing…and come on, if someone cuts you off, there’s no need to take it that far…especially if there are a bunch of kids in the car…I keep telling her she needs to get a CHL but she doesn’t want to…would have been an ideal time to have one…just in case.

    The told us in class that if someone threatens you in a way that you fear for you life (like trying to run someone off the road) that you have the right to excercise your threat of deadly force which would include brandishing your weapon but NOT pointing it at the individual. Who would’a thunk it…


    Big ol’ pickup? In Texas? 😀 Seems like road rage is the rule and not the exception in most parts of Texas. It’s unfortunate that people can get so worked up over such small things, enough to kill people. We just had an incident in which a car with two couples in it accidently cut off a pickup getting off the freeway and the pickup driver followed them, pulled up along side, and shot and killed the driver. I guess that’s the only problem I see with brandishing your weapon. Chances are the biker dude is packing too and if he’s really worked up, you may well find yourself in a gunfight with the potential of innocent people getting hurt or killed. I would tend to take the \”chicken\” way out and call the cops and find a nice place with lots of people around. It’s just hard to know how to deal with psychos because you don’t know what they’re carrying or what they are capable of.

    I’m just glad you and your family wound up safe this time.


    I dont think you did anything wrong. Had it been my wife, I probably would have done something very similar. But I do agree with other people in stating that knowing where a police station close to your house is a good way to handle these situations. If at all possible allow Law Enforcement to handle things which keeps you mostly out of trouble. Allthough I dont know of any Krav techniques that teach how to beat down a big pick up truck 😆 I would only resort to using Krav or my handgun as a last option, when mine or my wife/kids lives are directly on the line. I truly feel sorry that you and your wife had to go through this scary incident. Hope everything is fine.


    I think your wife should have called the cops immediately,then vectored them to the scene.The odds of a violent response from the truck driver would be less if a cop pulls him over then from a gun-toting guy in his underwear.

    There is no down side.The cops will get to the scene at least as fast if not faster then you could.Your wife & kids have less chance of having their husband/father in jail or in a grave.


    shoot i almost did end up going half naked…not really…almost forgot to put on my shoes though…. 😆



    quote \”jjbklb\:

    I think your wife should have called the cops immediately,then vectored them to the scene.The odds of a violent response from the truck driver would be less if a cop pulls him over then from a gun-toting guy in his underwear.

    There is no down side.The cops will get to the scene at least as fast if not faster then you could.Your wife & kids have less chance of having their husband/father in jail or in a grave.

    I disagree, you cant always trust that the cops will be there in time or respond quickly. There are plenty of articles out there about cops taking hours to respond to break in calls finally getting there to find 3 women brutally raped and killed. Hell that happened in Omaha not quite three years ago. The cops btw, were all too busy running a speed trap with 12 officers to respond to the break in. There is a reason I take Krav and am a huge advocate of gun rights (especially concealed carry) and its not to get in shape.

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