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    Lately I’ve been cross-training at another school (I can’t afford Krav right now), and today we did some defenses based on Tony Blauer and the Startle Flinch reaction.
    It was…weird for me. It didn’t feel entirely intuitive, but I’m sure it’ll come.

    I spoke to a more experienced student afterward and talked about my experiences in Krav Maga, and his main criticism was that Krav doesn’t work on initial, instinctive reactions like Blauer’s system does but always assumes that someone has gotten the drop on you.

    I’m still a novice at Krav (little under a year of experience), but I wondered if the criticism was justified. Should Krav focus more on the initial reaction to an attack like using the Startle Flinch (or something similar), or is that just adding unnecessary techniques?



    Re: Does Krav Need The Startle Flinch?

    I’ll preface this by saying I have no training in the SPEAR system, but have viewed many of Tony’s videos

    The Startle Flinch is no more than an initial reaction to an attack or attempted attack and by your own response, that it didn’t feel entirely intuitive shows that not everyone is going to react the same way. They make it seem as if everyone’s ingrained startle flinch is what he teaches and this isn’t the case.

    Krav does have initial reactions, outside defense , inside defense, various kicks etc.

    As an officer, my responses vary greatly on the situation especially if I have a flashlight, firearm or both in my hands…


    Re: Does Krav Need The Startle Flinch?

    My understanding of SPEAR is that it is not a “fighting system” so much as neuro-muscular response training used to help incorporate your fighting system in an instinctive way. That being said, I believe Krav does this on it’s own.

    Iknow blauer is thought of highly in many circles. I did find the outside 90 thing interesting.


    Re: Does Krav Need The Startle Flinch?

    You know…I think Krav does address the flinch response. It teaches bursting and the ready position. And builds on violence recognition. It may not be applied the same way, but I do believe many schools apply some portion of that philosophy. JL


    Re: Does Krav Need The Startle Flinch?

    2 points:
    1. Krav maga works off of a natural flinch response more than any traditional martial art I’ve ever seem.
    2. I’ve checked out a lot of different martial arts schools, and lots of them think they study the best style and can give you reasons why. Mostly, these statements come from ignorance/inexperience, but sometimes they’re right, too.


    Re: Does Krav Need The Startle Flinch?

    On the confusing abuse and misconceptions of the Medical “startle-flinch-reflex,” here is a link to an article on the subject.



    Re: Does Krav Need The Startle Flinch?

    Reviving a 4 year old thread… ok. Hock nice to see you here!

    Reading that article I think it’s apparent that not every one reacts the same way, but that in certain instances there are reactions that are more common. That being said reaction to specific stimuli or actions can be learned that go against the grain of our natural reactions. In Krav Maga, training aggression and stepping into not away from a threat is a good example.

    I’d be interested to see the number of people that put their hands to theit throat when chocked vs those that don’t. While I’ve been told (and have seen) people go instinctively to put their own hands to their throat, I’ve also seen people just stiffen up and keep their hands at their sides in panic.

    I find this all very interesting.


    Re: Does Krav Need The Startle Flinch?

    I’m not sure I would agree, as a task-based curriculum developer for the USN and USMC, that you learn things that go against your natural reactions; you are conditioned to do them. Learning implies that it is a conscious act, whereas conditioning is a habit that may have initially required a conscious choice: do the natural reaction and face the consequences or do the new action and receive the reward. This eventually becomes automatic when you receive the proper stimuli. Case in point: it had been a while since I had done a tactical reload w/ my M4; I was in a training exercise and ran dry, following that I dropped the magazine, and at the same time grabbed a fresh one from my vest, inserted it, sent the bolt home, aimed and fired while thinking to myself “Am I really doing this right now?” I never had a conscious thought to the action, it just happened. This was something that I was conditioned to do over months of training time. From what I understand the SPEAR system is a way to condition your body to respond a certain way and allow your subconscious to take action while your consciousness catches up to the situation that is occurring faster than it can process.


    Re: Does Krav Need The Startle Flinch?

    I’ll buy that. Learned or conditioned, “you” are still choosing to modify the way you react to stimuli. I think the magazine reload is a good example of a conditioned response, muscle memory drill. Still I think you learn to condition your self. Semantics, but you make a good point. Thanks.


    Re: Does Krav Need The Startle Flinch?

    How does one train the flinch response the natural way ? thumbsup


    Re: Does Krav Need The Startle Flinch?

    First you’d have to define the goal of your training and then you would identify the methods used to get to your goal.

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