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    Hello everybody.

    I’m a huge David Cronenberg fan, I have almost all of his movies on DVD.

    That said, I was wondering if anybody knew what fighting style is being used in the fighting scene in Eastern Promises. I’ve never been on a street fight (fortunately, and hope never will) so I gather this scene is one of the most real fighting scenes in a movie; no choreography or clean men, by the end of the scene two men are dead and the good guy is wasted beyond repair.


    So, is Viggo Mortensen using a particular fighting style? Or is this just random stuff he picked from the streets and prison?


    Re: Eastern Promises fight scene

    I love how he has to fight naked. I’ve always thought that would feel so horribly vulnerable. It gave a strange sense of tension and horror to the scene – beyond the fighting itself.

    Now that I know what Krav is, I think that the scene in the original Rambo (first blood) when he escapes from jail uses quite a lot of Krav movements (elbow strikes followed by repetitive knee strikes, etc.). I just saw this on TV the other day and I was thinking “hey, that’s what we do!”

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