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    We are using tombstones right now for kicking drills, and they are great for front and round kicks. However, if someone kicks like a mule, holding them is most punishing.

    Do the Rev Gear Kicking Shields work any better, for those of you who have used both? Seems to be the same thickness, but larger in area.

    Thanks in advance.


    Having trained with several types of kick shields (Century, ASP, others) I believe Revgear make the best on the market.

    As for the kick shield itself, it is indispensible for high impact, lower accuracy strikes (knees, mule/rear kicks, front thrust/defensive stomp kicks, etc.) or if you have concerns about the accuracy of a given student with any strikes. It works well for both the attacker and the bag holder. The tombstone is awesome for multiple angle strikes and higher precision stuff. Personally, I consider both essential to cover all training, but if I only had money for one, I’d go with the shield over the tombstone, just because in many ways it offers more versatility.

    One last thing, a great deal of bag holder \”comfort\” comes from holding technique – something difficult to communicate via written directions.


    I’ve used both Revgear products so I can’t say about other brands. The Revgear products have worked really well. We have those at our center also so I’ve been able to handle using either ok. I think if I could’ve only bought one, definitely the shield over the tombstone.

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