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    I was introduced to Krav Maga while living on the coast and loved the limited time I was exposed to it. I am interested in starting my own program here in a small town in WA. I have LOTS of work to do to get up to the point of doing this but you have to start somewhere.

    Do any of you know if the Krav Maga people allow stand alone training sites in smaller towns? By stand alone I mean Krav Maga and no other martial arts program. My plan would be to teach a few different aspect of Krav Maga. One would be the all out fighting/self defense aspect, more of a aerobic cirriculum, and a youth program. This would not be my \”day job\” and would not rely on the income from it.

    If anyone can let me know if this is something Krav Maga might let me pursue I would appreciate it. Of course I will contact them directly but I’m interested to hear of personal experiences with trying to do this same thing.




    I just openned a Krav only school in my town a few months ago. It’s by no means easy, but so far it’s been a great experience. Your first step is to contact Jeanine Jackson at Krav Maga Worldwide and let her know what you want to do. She will give you the details on liscensing, phase training, etc. Once you have all of that info you should develop a business plan to make sure it’s feasible. Good luck!



    As a customer, I like the idea of a KM only location. Shows that you are 100% committed to the system.


    Thanks for the input. It would do great here. I kind of have a leg up on getting this rolling. I manage a bank and work as a small business councelor here at the small business development center. We all think it is a good fit and have crunched the numbers. Plus I own a 900 or so sq foot building that could house the program. It’s not perfect but for the area I think it would be fine and there would be no lease. Just costs to get all the equipment. Like I said before it is not something that I’m worrying about making a living at. I just love the system and would really like to provide this training to my area.


    I think size is less important than quality of the facility. Some guys have the \”Fight Club\” mentality of the dingier the location, the tougher the training.

    As far as I know, we have the largest Krav Maga-only facility in the country (larger than the NTC)…about 10,000 sq. ft. And we’ve had no problem filling it with Krav-only folks.


    Sounds like you have a great business background for this. Plus your timing is good. If you can get certified this summer you could open up in the fall which is a great time. That’s one thing I would’ve done differently, timing. Summer is not a great time to get people signed up, they usually have too much other stuff going on.

    Good luck.

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