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    Found this interesting webpage while looking for Krav new articles. Thought I would share it with the community. I have not gotten too far into it but I wonder if it is a sounding board for IKMA or a balanced assessment. Check it out.

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    Re: Exposing fake self defense instructors?

    Looked at the website some more and it looks like a lot of info on CKM and Moni, so look if you are interested.


    Re: Exposing fake self defense instructors?


    First of all let me say that the information located on this link is factual. About a year ago there were a group of us who started asking questions about CKM and its founder. Something wasn’t stirring the Kool aid about this guy, his system or his claims. So more people got involved.

    I won’t get into all of that again as there is an entire thread that exposed these concerns and what steps were being taken to make this right. Moni has lied for years and the lies are coming to the surface. Liars run with liars. So the other guys who are associated with him are equally questionable.

    The IKMA has in fact led the way in exposing Moni and the other so called Israeli spec ops instructors for being the liars that they are. IKMA did this to protect the name Krav Maga from the phonies and fakes who are trying to cash in on the popularity of the system. So those of us who love this system and treat it with respect owe a debt of thanks to IKMA. They fought hard to expose Moni and others and we are all better for their actions.

    The IKMA has had a tough relationship with KMWW and yet they have acknowledged that KMWW, specifically Darren Levine is teaching Krav Maga. In fact all of the organizations rarely agree on anything, yet they agree that Moni Aizik is a liar and a fraud. So

    I have had a great many conversations with folks at the highest levels of the major Krav Maga organizations and I shared my findings on this subject many times. So the fact that this is happening now is no surprise. I am very happy that the truth is coming out.

    Integrity folks. Intergrity. If your instructor lies about his past. If he makes up stories that aren’t true. If he embelishes about parts of his life that are not even relevant to his actual skill level he is not a person of character. So I am not arguing the technical merits of his system. That is for another discussion. Let’s assume that he is technically sound for the sake of argument. What good is his technical skill if he lies about the very essence of his system’s origin? Would you trust your Dr. if you knew he was lying about his educational background and the origin of his “ground breaking medical procedures”? You would trust what he is doing even though you know he is lying? I think not.

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