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    quote \”dkst\:

    Hell, I call it my natural defense:)

    lol, me too! 😆

    I sweat more than anyone else in class.


    …I am currently taking one medication that holds my heart rate down and this causes my body to starve for oxygen. It makes working out a little more challenging, as it also causes me to feel tired 99.9% of the time…\”

    Krav classes put a severe strain on your cardiovascular system;but then thats what makes it get stronger.

    when your doctor said you were ‘cleared for physcial activity’,does he have any idea just how intensive Krav classes are?If he is thinking along the lines of the aerobic classes he might take at his local gym,then he doesn’t have a clue.

    My concern is that your medication could prevent you from getting enough oxygen during a workout which could up your risk of heart attack.

    why not ask your doc for a cardiologist referral.Have him give you a stress test on a treadmill while measuring the oxygen saturation in your blood.If he ups the incline & speed & the heart-rate suppressing effects of your meds cause your oxygen level to plummet,you may need to damp down the intensity of your krav classes.


    I was getting smoked in Krav for my 1st 2-3 weeks. I then started doing a cardio/bag workout. And now the Cardio/Bag workout kicks my ass more than Krav does.

    Run 1/4 mile on treadmill *decent pace, kind of push yourself*
    Punch heavy bag for 2-4 minutes *you could shadow box instead, or lift some dumbells*

    repeat 3x, for a total of 4 sets. takes 1/2 hour. This whipped me into Krav shape quickly.



    quote \”dkst\:

    I bring two shirts to class I sweat so much. My first class the second half was spent on the floor trying to stop the spins. After 7 or 8 months I’m still as sweaty and still about to die, but it feels good. Just remember the way you train is the way you will fight. I’ve only had one girl say something about the sweat, but she was really young. Most people understand, your are working hard, your giving it your all, there is nothing you can do. Hell, I call it my natural defense:)

    I agree with your comment on sweat being a natural defense. I too sweat like a pig on a spit but when we grapple in Krav or my training outside, the sweat is natural submission defense. I slip out of all kinds of bad situations and it has nothing to do with skill, that’s almost non-existant. I thought my profuse sweating was a curse but now I feel gifted. Always make the best of the bad!


    jjbklb thanks for the concern. I appreciate it. As far as the intensity and tests for my heart go I have had just about every test known to man (some of them not nearly as fun as others). I have my first class medical cert. for my commercial pilot’s license and they make you jump through a ton of hoops to get it once you have had heart surgery.

    The doctor that cleared me was a cardiologist. I have had to learn when to say when, which is hard sometimes, but as I get a little older I have learned when enough is enough. As I had mentioned earlier the high blood pressure is intermittent, so it isn’t always high, but they have to treat it as if it is high. The bummer of the deal is that when my heart rate should be up around 170+ to keep up with what my body is requiring it is being held down to 150. It is something that I have had to deal with in the past, but usually once my body gets used to the added exercise load I am just fine. Sometimes this can take a little while, but so far so good.

    I have heard from others and read on this forum about people passing out in Krav class or having to lay down and take a breather. That is intense. Any way I look at it I am just plain fired up about training. Had another class last night and got a chance to train with some guys that were about my same size and build which was cool. Loving the intensity and no nonsense approach that Krav takes towards self defense.


    Sounds like you’re getting hooked. I love the work out, but the sense of accomplishment walking out after class is a high all in itself. Good luck with your training.


    Hey Problem-Bear,

    quote :

    . I too sweat like a pig on a spit but when we grapple in Krav or my training outside, the sweat is natural submission defense. I slip out of all kinds of bad situations and it has nothing to do with skill, that’s almost non-existant.

    That’s not true, I’ve seen you in action Problem-Bear…….you do have skill.

    (quote) Sounds like you’re getting hooked. I love the work out, but the sense of accomplishment walking out after class is a high all in itself. Good luck with your training.(quote)

    I agree totally.


    workout intensity

    Don’t be worried about the sweat…..be very worried if you don’t sweat!
    Keep at it and the results will come. After all jarHeads aren’t built in a day. 🙂


    A good way to increase your endurance for martial arts is to do hill sprints- run up a hill and walk down it. Repeat seveal times. The problem is that this takes some stamina to begin with, but you can go at your own pace. Its also good to do circuits of bodyweight exercises without rest in between- push ups, hindu push ups, pull ups, any number of ab exercises. You could check out http://www.mattfurey.com, but you could find all these exercises elsewhere without paying all of the money (but its not bad stuff if you’re so inclined). If your exercises get too easy, you can modify them- do squats on one leg, do tiger push ups, etc.
    My favorite kind of conditioning is grappling, especially with people bigger than me. Grapple with some intensity, and don’t take breaks when someone taps out. This might not be the ideal solution if you just started training, though.



    When I think about getting in shape I just go back to the boot camp basics. Exercise at every conceivable intensity level and duration. Short fast stuff, long distance stuff, and everything in-between. I know that I was in the best shape of my life after boot camp and SOI.

    Sucks about the medical conditionÖbut it sounds like you are going to work through it.

    Semper Fi


    Regarding getting into shape. I think the class will do it for you. Just keep going, the class should not get easier, but you will notice that youíre doing better all the time. My instructor asks the class all the time. Do you want to go easier or harder? lol and in everyoneís mind were saying ìoh my godî!!!! lol, and then we all say harder sir, lol

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