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    Re: Focus mitts-Help!

    No, not at all. Just remember- whether your hands are at your chin or away from your face, they are at the same height in relation to your toes. But the advantages to one over the other are VERY different.

    Focus on using your legs, bending slightly at the knees to drop your body (like you would for a body shot). Remember your uppercut is reaching outward slightly as it comes up (you don’t want to miss the chin), so reach deep like you are actually punching them up and through the throat. For the hook, you don’t need to drop your body if its to their face. If you want a liver or spleen shot, then depending on their distance from you, your angle in relation to them, height- you also won’t need to bend other than to drive with your legs to create more power.

    You set yourself up for a bad defense when you start with your fists on your chin as I mentioned. The idea of keeping the hands on the chin is a good reminder about keeping your hands up, and not letting them drop. I started using this same technique. As I progressed I worked it back into my “inside defense” position. It is more inline with KM and after working with professional fighters, they really showed that hands on the chin does nothing for defending against punches. They hit your hands, your hands hit your chin, it does exactly the same thing regardless of your hands being there. But take the hands off the chin, you can make a defense as you counter if you need to- which is very much how we train for purposes of self-defense or even mma.

    Work them in the mirror and watch yourself to make sure the hands NEVER drop to your waist to throw those punches. One of the best ways to drill this is a neutral stance (feet wide apart), hands up, then start with just your legs going up and down like 1/2 squats- do this over and over… (no punches yet- just squats) then add an uppercut with one hand as you come up, then return the hand and go back down. Do this for the other hand, repeat alternating one hand then the other each time you come up. Keep watching to make sure you are not dropping the hands, if you start to-slow it down. You can also do this drill from fight stance and working the forward up/cut and the strong side up/cut. As you get used to this it becomes a much smaller and faster movement.

    I am sorry if that is so confusing… It’s hard to explain drills without images but I hope it helps you some.


    Re: Focus mitts-Help!

    Just like my ninja KM baby bunny stance… 🙂 Come on… I know you all think its cute! I am going to send her to Inky so she can defend him against squirrel attacks!


    Re: Focus mitts-Help!

    Lol on the KM baby bunny !! 🙂

    Too funny… amusing in so many ways…classic!

    Some good advice in this thread…

    Fwiw – I learned roundhouses/hooks the ‘stirrin’ the big ‘ol pot of soup’ way as well…


    Re: Focus mitts-Help!

    Mariana, are you training with Alberto?


    Re: Focus mitts-Help!

    That boxing stance doesn’t look too good for boxing either.


    Re: Focus mitts-Help!

    quote CLFMak:

    That boxing stance doesn’t look too good for boxing either.

    I know… I like to call it the “I am a model/stuntwoman/actress/avon rep” stance. =)

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