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  • #31089

    I apologize in advance as I’m not sure where this is going to go. maybe its an attempt to put some thoughts in perspective, maybe even a small rant.

    I post pretty much on 3 forums regularly, either trying to learn or to help. Lately I’ve spent the last month on kenpo forums as I’m training in it. I’ve never been as turned off as I have on the last 3 weeks or so. Its like if you don’t have a lot of red on your belt you don’t have a right to question or comment. I’ve been told to ‘Step Back’,Sit down and of course lack the expirience to comment or question. I’ve never had that happen before. Yes there are people who might think me harsh or even full of crap and even a PIA. Even probably don’t like me but what I found is different. I noticed beginners don’t ask questions about training or the system. i noticed that most post to promote themselves or their organization. Not promote the system, the training or help newbies acclimate into the system.

    The thing is they don’t get that newbies are lurking and judging the system by their BS. In a month I don’t remember a newbie question, but I do know every Name dropped senior by the organization their in. And the whining between 40 plus year olds rivals a dysfunctional kindergarten class. it was like stepping into a meet and greet for the Overinflated Ego’s Society and waiting for something relevant to be said. Its actually got me rethinking my training and settling in a MT gym or Boxing just to workout

    One guy said that if a forum would make you question your training you must not be commited. This seems like a logical arguement. However when you look for a teacher or leader the first thing I look for is integrity. I look for guys who don’t just regurgitate what someone else taught them. I look for people who are open minded. I don’t mind self promotion. Its important , but I think when posting on forums the importance is to promote the art/system…the training And the newbies are the most important commodity. i don’t want to be involved with bitching and whiners… I’m a big enough whiner myself don’t need to here all the other bitching

    I mean there is probably 3 reasons to post on a forum, to learn something, to help someone or to make someone you don’t know laugh. Everything else is probably masterbation.

    many of you know if you’ve seen CJ’s Dad’s posts that I don’t even train in krav. One of the reasons I bother to post here is to learn and to help. Arguements are a part of life and I’ve had good ones herethumbsup Some that may have scared people off, but the intention on this forum and my home forum is different than most others out there. Its to help others figure their paths to aide them and to support the effort. Guys like Garddawg runs 2 gyms, has a family, continues to add new skill sets so that he grows, yet takes time to contribute to this forum. He doesn’t get squat for the free consultation. Its certainly not bringing him students. I don’t see a great xfit migration to Ramona happening. I can’t tell you the number of instructors who’ve helped me here and in PM’s and they know I don’t do kravthumbsup

    So I guess the point I’m trying to make is that people come and go here frequently. martial arts have a transient thing going on. But take the time here to Contribute and yes even your newbie questions or practical expiriences are a contribution or at least give someone else a chance to help. Pissing contests just make the mats slippery anyway:tantrum: Because the more you contribute with relivence..the more you learn. Thats life.The more you give, the more you get



    Re: Forums


    Very well said.

    I do a TKD forum that sometimes can get ugly.:abx:


    Re: Forums

    Thanks for the mention. I think fear drives a lot of this. When an instructor sets himself up as “grandmaster” of a system he does not want to acknowledge that his system might have holes in it, or that he might not know everything, as if it somehow that diminishes his status. New instructors tie themselves to a grandmaster and fear that any loss in his status is a loss to him, or that demeaning or criticizing someone else somehow elevates them or their system.


    Re: Forums

    quote garddawg:

    Thanks for the mention. I think fear drives a lot of this. When an instructor sets himself up as “grandmaster” of a system he does not want to acknowledge that his system might have holes in it, or that he might not know everything, as if it somehow that diminishes his status. New instructors tie themselves to a grandmaster and fear that any loss in his status is a loss to him, or that demeaning or criticizing someone else somehow elevates them or their system.

    Your welcome and thank you. You’ve helped me alot off forum

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