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    Re: Getting over being glove shy?

    Here’s a thought……

    You could always bait and counter. What is this obsession with “attacking” a guy who you are giving 5-7 inches and over 20lbs to? Why would you think that “attacking” in that case is a smart ploy? Is this fight class based on street or ring? Either way to encourage this type of fighting is ridiculous in my opinion.

    I know.. I know.. this is the part where little people everywhere get all upset but I don’t care. You’re wrong. You have no business walking down a bigger, stronger man. With respect Nicholas Cook. I think the advice you have given him is a bit misguided. The punches that “aint killing you” in fight class are the very punches that will destroy you in the street.

    The whole idea that eating punches in fight class correlates to performance in the street is wrong. It doesn’t. Not at all. A smaller individual should work on movement and counter striking. Allow the bigger person to be the aggressor. Use angles and movement to avoid and counter at the same time. Don’t fight like a big person when you are not a big person. You will lose!

    What would you do once you “get inside” on the street? What then? You will take him down and ground and pound? Not likely folks. This is why fight class is fools gold. Most fight classes are nothing more than glorified kick boxing matches. RING TECHNIQUES AND STREET TECHNIQUES ARE NOT THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Re: Getting over being glove shy?

    I’ve eaten punches and kicks in class and outside of it and I’m still standing. Our definitions of ‘destroyed’ are probably very different. But, hey, that’s me. I do, of course, realize not everyone is going to go at fighting as hardcore as myself. I should probably preface any advice I give with a caveat of some kind, so people know it usually isn’t for the faint of heart. My experience as a bouncer was that showing some little billy badass that you ain’t gonna shrink away from his wild punches would usually intimidate them to no end. I’m not advocating taking the punches…unless you have to get inside where you can flatten that son of a bee-och. Just me, but I sure as hell can’t see backing down from someone because of fear of getting hit. I’d rather wear a bruise or two to get inside for an attack, if there’s no other way.


    Re: Getting over being glove shy?

    quote Psyops:

    A smaller individual should work on movement and counter striking. Allow the bigger person to be the aggressor. Use angles and movement to avoid and counter at the same time.

    YAY! I said something right this time!Yes being a shorty means that I cannot eat a punch. If some of you big fellas can imagine a ham hock being swung at your face….that is what its like to us little guys.

    On the plus side we can move our bodies MUCH faster than some of you big fellas. What we can’t do in strength we can do in movement and endurance.


    Re: Getting over being glove shy?

    I am a little guy also so for me what you want to do is if there much bigger than you dont give them room to throw and land big punches. Use footwork and counters to get close to where you can do more damage.


    Re: Getting over being glove shy?

    quote Psyops:

    Here’s a thought……

    You could always bait and counter. What is this obsession with “attacking” a guy who you are giving 5-7 inches and over 20lbs to? Why would you think that “attacking” in that case is a smart ploy? Is this fight class based on street or ring? Either way to encourage this type of fighting is ridiculous in my opinion.

    … You’re wrong. You have no business walking down a bigger, stronger man… The punches that “aint killing you” in fight class are the very punches that will destroy you in the street.

    The whole idea that eating punches in fight class correlates to performance in the street is wrong. It doesn’t. Not at all. A smaller individual should work on movement and counter striking. Allow the bigger person to be the aggressor. Use angles and movement to avoid and counter at the same time. Don’t fight like a big person when you are not a big person. You will lose!

    What would you do once you “get inside” on the street? What then? You will take him down and ground and pound? Not likely folks. This is why fight class is fools gold. Most fight classes are nothing more than glorified kick boxing matches. RING TECHNIQUES AND STREET TECHNIQUES ARE NOT THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    However, Psyops is right, going and trying to fight a guy whos twice your size probably isn’t the best of choices, fighting someone bigger is wrong, and taking punches in the gym doesnt correlate to performance on the street… I agree with reservations, and if you are curious, everyone, please read on:

    I think that originally, he was talking about street fighting as this is Krav Maga. With that in mind, on the street you have no control over WHO attacks you, there are no weight classes on the street. While generally, you might be at a disadvantage to someone who has a good amount of size on you, at the same time, Krav Maga is designed to help us fight for our lives if need be against any opponent within reason (i.e.: im not talking about goliath or cyclops or something). But the last thought from anyone who attacks you should be, “I attacked the wrong person today…”

    I have a few friends that are much bigger than my 5’8″ self. They don’t train in Krav, but I know for a fact that if I had to throw down against someone their size, I am not giving them a chance to punch first, because if I eff up a defense, its lights out for me…

    How many times have we all practiced inside punch defenses? How many times have we messed those up? When we messed them up, how many times did you want to counter strike your partner for throwing that punch… On the street, you don’t have time to take into account skillset or size, if someone means you mal-intent, you better, in this order, A) run or talk it down, B) defend yourself with everything you have or C) let them have your way with you…

    I choose A–> then B >:-)


    While Psyops is right, you should not ever get used to TAKING punches, you DO need to get used to getting hit… fights suck because no matter how good you are or think you are in the system you always get hit :-/ Its better to have an idea that you will get hit rather than be surprised when someone actually gets a punch off, because its going to happen… Taking a punch to the face in class doesn’t increase your skills or get you in better shape, it does one thing, and one thing well: gets you used to being hit.

    All in all, you need to develop a fighting strategy suited to your strengths that will work against a bigger fighter, perhaps baiting will work if you arent good at bursting, for me, bursting works better, its up to what YOU are good at and can excell at.

    If you want an excercise to get you from being glove shy, stand in your fighting stance with your backheel touching the wall behind you, have your partner (as hard or soft as youd like) throw punches, light kicks. From here you can work your inside defenses, absorbing to the thigh, covering up, etc. The point here is, you are against a wall, so you work on going INTO the fight as opposed to backing up. Get used to getting hit, because it will happen if you get into a fight, and always go forward, bring that shi* to person who was dumb enough to underestimate you…


    Re: Getting over being glove shy?

    I am 6’2 230 12%bf. I love to get hit. I welcome it, but only because it is part of fighting. If you are smaller go ahead and come inside I want you to.

    If I were to fight someone my size or bigger I wouldn’t take punches just for the sake to get inside. If I am out and the persons body language and eyes suggest that he is going to try something I am on him before he gets a chance.

    The best offense is a great defense!

    In the street you do not have 3 rounds, you only have 1!!


    Re: Getting over being glove shy?

    Hey TBB, I grew up in Jax…well, actually in Yulee, but close enough. How’s the city doing? Still growing in leaps and bounds?


    Re: Getting over being glove shy?

    Orange Park is huge now. Just in my new community development Oakleaf Plantation there is a middle and elementary school. They are building a high school and another elementary school just for our community. I believe my community was started about 3 years ago.

    From what I hear over the past 10 years just here in OP between Blanding (SR21) and Middleburg the population increase has been overwhelming.

    When was the last time you were in Jax?


    Re: Getting over being glove shy?

    Almost 13 years ago. I probably wouldn’t even recognize the place anymore. HA!


    Re: Getting over being glove shy?

    No you wouldn’t it is crazy how much all the areas of Jax have grown. Where ever there is open land there is either a new mall or housing community. Most people do not want to live Duval County cause of the violence.


    Re: Getting over being glove shy?

    Yikes. Guess I’m glad I’m not there anymore. Course, Tucson has its own violence issues, too. Violence or not, I sure do miss the water and trees. BUt even when I was living there, the freakin’ beaches were so crowded with tourists you couldn’t enjoy yourself. Probably even worse now, I suppose.

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