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    Yep, it finally had to happen. We were practicing ground defense and going back and forth as the attackee and the attacker :box:. Funny thing is, I’m not even sure when it happened…

    So, right near the end of class I notice that my right leg feels stiff. I look down and see a HUGE lump above my knee. It sort of felt like a had a cramp, the nasty kind you get in your calf muscle in the middle of the night. I got home, wrapped it up, elevated, and put some ice on it (my wife’s a nurse thumbsup).

    Today, I went to my sports doc, and he said that I definitely have a quadricep contusion, otherwise known as a charley horse. He checked my leg movement, and it’s still under 90?. He said to keep icing and elevating it, and try some stretches to make sure I don’t seize up. He said come see him when I have 120? of motion.

    I’m not sure if I should go to any classes for a few days (it’s killing me! :(:). I could always try the warm up stuff, and see what they’re doing for the rest of the class. I’d feel kind of bad just standing around if they’re doing knees and kicks though. OTOH, I don’t want to make this worse, so maybe I’ll just do pushups and situps until I vomit. :beer:

    So, there’s my story. :tantrum:


    Re: Got my first Krav injury last night

    I do find it incredible how we get hurt in some way where we limit many things we do (can’t walk across the street, I am injured), but still try to find a way to train.

    Take the week off. I know that is a LONG time and I would have a hard time doing it too. But give yourself a chance to heal so you can get back to training.



    Re: Got my first Krav injury last night

    You’re gonna have to get used to it, friend.

    Last week, T.J. held thai pads like he was practicing the macarena. Took a rotund marine’s elbow to my ankle. Then I reaggravated a broken toe for the second time in three weeks on Friday. It’s pointing in the wrong direction.

    No jits for me this week.

    Sometimes I feel like my KM, judo, and BJJ buddies are out to sabotage me.

    Anywho, hope your leg gets better, soon.


    Re: Got my first Krav injury last night

    quote La Revancha:

    Sometimes I feel like my KM, judo, and BJJ buddies are out to sabotage me.

    your getting way too many belts for your own good… it has to stop…


    Re: Got my first Krav injury last night

    quote La Revancha:

    …Then I reaggravated a broken toe for the second time in three weeks on Friday. It’s pointing in the wrong direction.

    I didn’t realize that BJJ has a toe bar, or is it Judo? 😉

    I strained my knee again this last Sat. Favoring it is now causing my other knee to ache. I guess it’s telling me to take it easy. I would suggest the same to others with Injuries. What really bums me out is that I will be out of town for two weeks, so it will be a total of three weeks of no training.

    La Revancha, how do you get your shoes on?


    Re: Got my first Krav injury last night

    I think I would be fine if all my injuries ended up being in class. I’ll go to class…get beaten up all over the place…come home and start doing a minor chore and twist my ankle. I had an instructor back in high school who was in phenomenal shape. He threw out his back picking up his tooth brush. I guess I’d rather be injured in some epic fight rather than simply because old age has been stalking me. Oh well…humility is a virtue.



    Re: Got my first Krav injury last night

    raising az,
    Do crunches instead when they do leg stuff. I had to do that for the last few classes because of a foot injury that kept from doing burpies and jumping jacks and the like. As you probably already know, the exercises aren’t just to workout different muscles groups, but to elevate your heart rate, so anything you can do to meet at least that criteria is always helpful. And don’t feel bad, man. Almost every person I work out with 3 days a week have gotten injuries that have kept them out or to a minimum. What doesn’t kill youm, makes you stronger…or cripples you for life, right? HA!

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