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    I’m looking into buying gymnastics rings ( but living in an apartment i have no clue where I would put them..where do u guys put em?


    I doubt alot of people here use rings. At Brand X we hang them on our pull up bars. Tomorrow I’m heading to the high school to watch my son wrestle. I’ll pack my rings and a kettlebell. Hang the rings over the goal post and get a quick workout.
    3 rounds
    Run 440
    21 Kettlebell swings
    7 Muscle ups

    I’ve used them over tree limbs and over soccer goals when training the team. Did you check out the video I posted?


    I did some research of the website, and went down the exercise list. I have heard and done all of them at some point, i would very interested in eliminating some of my simple exercises (bicep curl, forearms, tricep pushdown) and working on some of those but i’m a little lost on the order of these exercises since i’ve always seem them done in addition to other ones and organized by muscle group (ie. Chest – Bench press, dips; Legs – squats, deadlifts; Abs – L hold, windshiled whipers, etc etc.)

    and i don’t see a specific order on that site (chest day, or leg day, etc.)


    frank, there is no order and that’s the idea. by training different muscles together on different days you help to creat functional fitness. just think in your daily activities or MA training, how often do we just biceps or just triceps. for example if you’re helping a friend move a couch or a TV set, you would use your whole body to lift,not just the arms(I hope). by varying the routines every day your body develops in a more complete functional fashion vs aesteteticly only. it’s a major paradigm shift for most, especially people who are used to training a certain way for years, but if you follow these principles you’re bound to see awesome results.


    excellent, so pick a couple of exercises to do a day, do them and move on. Next day, pick a couple others and do the same?


    pretty much. if you look under workout of the day, they have suggested combinations. the idea is that on some days it’s more of a gymnastics/bodyweight day, on some olympic lifts and on others a combo of everything. as long as the exercises involve many muscle groups and functional.


    And the progression is measured both through how fast you complete it (the time measurable exercises) and for lifts, the weight with no set repetition (variable)?


    Good explanation by Emil. The CrossFit Workout of the Day is on their front page. They will give you the exercises, weights to use, and rep scheme. Then everything boils down to how fast you can complete the workout. As a rule we advise people to start slow and scale the loads.


    Ohh i see, so one needs to check the site to know what the exercise is for the day:


    21-15-9 reps of:
    Handstand push-ups
    Ring dips

    Post time to comments.

    So i do 21 reps of handstand push-ups, then move to 21 ring dips, 21 push-ups…NO REST…and go to 15 handstand..and so forth, yes?

    This routine is a shoulder/tricep/chest routine pretty much…


    You got it. If you want more input you can contact me off the website below. We post a scaled version of the Crossfit WOD every day as well as other workouts our trainers use. Good luck.


    What is your name on there, i did have a few more questions. Thanks


    My email is
    [email protected]

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