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    It always sucks being sick with a cold or flu, but it really sucks having to miss Krav Maga. I was tempted to go to class last night but especially didn’t want to get any one sick because testing is this Saturday. Thankfully I wasn’t planning on testing.

    So when you’re down with a cold or flu, do you just try to somehow keep up with the cardio at home and practice your kicks, strikes, punches, etc.?


    Re: Having to stay away due to illness

    When your sick cardio might not be the best answer. You could always “dry practice” technique in the mirror. Take a self defense technique you already know like choke from the front for example and just walk the motions.


    Re: Having to stay away due to illness

    I had never thought of that, CJs Dad. Being a white belt, I could certainly use more of this type of practice. Thank you.


    Re: Having to stay away due to illness

    KG…your dedication to “our” art is commendable, but will your skills deteriorate if you take a day or two off to allow your body to recover from an illness?

    I actually (gasp!) skipped KM class today because I had a crappy night’s sleep and was unable to focus at work. Sure, you could say that I could’ve used the class time in order to train myself to fight while sleep-deprived, but I also knew that not being on point due to sleep deprivation might result in me getting injured. It also might have resulted in me nodding out in traffic while driving home this evening and getting into an accident.

    So, instead of going to class, I took a power nap in my car. And I’m glad I did. I felt much better and was able to finish out my work day. And I still know how to defend against a headlock from the side. ;):

    Listen to your body. Sometimes life gets in the way of Krav. It ain’t the end of the world.


    Re: Having to stay away due to illness

    Yep, sometimes life does get in the way of Krav. And unfortunately, I had to end up missing a few classes. But I’m back at it again. 🙂


    Re: Having to stay away due to illness

    Another thing to consider if you do go into the gym / school to train knowing that you’re sick with the flu+ cold, you’re going to expose your germs to other students + teachers and make them sick as well.

    This isn’t fair to the other people around you. As another poster commented, you should be commended on your passion and desire to train. But sometimes, it’s just better to take the necessary time to heal and get back to 100% as opposed to going into the gym and making other people sick. 🙂

    Also, never under-estimate the value of visualization and slow-motion movement. Let me know if you want me to expand on this topic!

    Best of luck training!


    Re: Having to stay away due to illness

    DoubleStrike, that’s why I refrained from going last week. I was feeling a lot better but especially knowing that people were testing on Saturday, there was no way I was going to take a chance and spread germs when people were getting ready to test.

    As for the visualization and slow-motion movement, I may have to look into that.

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