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    I’ve just completed my first month of Krav Maga. I would like to clean up some of my form issues before I develop bad habits so I’ve been thinking about purchasing either a heavy bag or a Wavemaster XXL. I have never used either one of these. I’m looking for some feedback if anyone has suggestions for which is better and why. I want to used it for my punching combos and round house kicks. It look’s like I can buy an 80# heavy bag brand new for around $60 or I can purchase one from someone on Craig’s list for a little less. I also found a Wavemaster XXL on Craig’s list for $100.




    Re: Heavy Bag or Wavemaster XXL

    Sorry I cant add much. i have both the wavemaster and the BOB XL. I use the BOB XL primarily.


    Re: Heavy Bag or Wavemaster XXL

    I don’t have a lot to add either on this, but I was recently shopping for hanging and freestanding heavy bags. The freestanding ones won’t give you the same resistance as a 100 lb hanging traditional heavy bag. Heavy bags will give you a better target (assuming you get a tall one) and will withstand your round and jump kicks much better.

    The big benefit for the freestanding ones is just less storage space / easier to setup. If that’s not an issue, go for the heavy bag for sure, or better yet start taking bag classes at your gym if they have ’em.


    Re: Heavy Bag or Wavemaster XXL

    I prefer heavy bag because over time the Wavemaster padding gets soft. I have the boxers fracture to prove it. If you purchase a heavy bag, spent the extra money and get a good quality one, else after a month or so, all the padding ends up at the bottom of the bag and your money is wasted. I like the BOB as well, but you need to wear gloves or it will eat the skin off your knuckles.

    Good Luck


    Re: Heavy Bag or Wavemaster XXL

    Don’t bother with the Wavemaster. They break easily, and with any kind of regular use the padding completely breaks down. It’s no fun to throw a solid kick expecting to find padding, but instead finding solid plastic. I would definitely say to go with the heavy bag. I would suggest a tall, skinny Thai bag.


    Re: Heavy Bag or Wavemaster XXL

    Go with the hanging bag. The movement on the standing bag leads to hyper-extended elbows, etc. cuz it ain’t where it’s supposed to be when it starts wobbling back and forth from your punches.

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