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    Hello everyone. I was looking around to try and learn Krav Maga and found my way here. Unfortunately there aren’t any places in Mississippi that teach it. So I was wondering what would be an effective method of actually learning it? The reason for my interest is that I recently started working in corrections as a C/O. To be honest we had probably the worst hand to hand training ever. The instructor was awesome, however he only had literally a day and a half to show us some strikes and a few locks/holds. The company was rushing our training because of a severe lack of staff. I feel confident in what I learned, but the problem is didn’t have enough time to learn much at all. Which brings me here! Obviously it’s a dangerous job and I want to be able to go home at the end of the day. I feel like learning Krav Maga would help tremendously for my safety,my fellow C/Os, and generally just feel more confident that if something does happen I can respond accordingly.


    Re: Hello from MS.

    What i do, when i want to learn moves, is just break the specific move down into steps, and slowly start practising it with a friend.
    offcourse its not ideal, as no one is there to tell you how to improve.
    for the rest, if you know how to do the move right, PRACTISE PRACTISE PRACTISE!!!!!

    I am still a beginner though! so other people may give you better advise, but this is how i do it. (i train at the dojo twice a week)


    Re: Hello from MS.

    Are you anywhere near Desoto, MS?

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