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    Well, I’m going to be trapped in a hotel in Baltimore for 5 days. I just bought Bas Rutten’s MMA DVDs online, but won’t be able to get them in time. Does anyone have any good suggestions for working out in a hotel room? They might have a mini gym, but I’m not banking on that.



    Re: Help! Need exercises for business meeting (trapped in a hotel)

    As much as I dislike his marketing, you might want to look into Matt Furey’s material. Good stuff without the use of equipment.


    Re: Help! Need exercises for business meeting (trapped in a hotel)

    I usually do pyramids of pushups, situps, and squats/lunges. If the hotel has a lot of floors, I usually do stair running or just go running.

    How about bringing along a jump rope?


    Re: Help! Need exercises for business meeting (trapped in a hotel)

    How tough of a workout do you want? There are a lot of Crossfit training routines that require little or no equipment to get a total body workout. But they are tough with a capital T!


    Re: Help! Need exercises for business meeting (trapped in a hotel)

    quote Nickolas Cook:

    How tough of a workout do you want? There are a lot of Crossfit training routines that require little or no equipment to get a total body workout. But they are tough with a capital T!

    Good point, I forgot to mention that. I’m looking for maybe 30 min or so. Not sure about the intensity though. Perhaps something like doing two warmup workouts at Ultima. Which Cross fit routines would you recommend?

    I do like the idea of a jump rope too. I can throw that in my luggage.


    Re: Help! Need exercises for business meeting (trapped in a hotel)

    Here’s a really good starting point. It gives you an idea of the intensity of each day’s routines, along with sets and weights, if applicable.


    Re: Help! Need exercises for business meeting (trapped in a hotel)

    Here it is fellas…. no gym/equipment workouts. Some of these are obviously not for the faint of heart. Sorry its so long. Maybe a mod will make a sticky thread of some of these workouts or create a workout/conditioning forum section?

    Raising- The warmups at the Ultima are just that.. warmups. You might wanna try something a little bit more difficult. Check em out below.

    Run 1/2 mile 50 air squats – 3 rounds.

    10 push-ups 10 sit ups 10 squats – 10 rounds.

    200 air squats for time.

    “Susan” Run 200m 10 squats 10 push ups 5 rounds.

    Sprint 200m and do 25 push ups, 3 rounds.

    10 Handstand push ups and a 200m run 3 rounds.

    Tabata squats and tabata pushups.

    5 push ups 5 squats 5 sit ups, 20 rounds.

    Walk 100 meters on your hands, even if it is 2 meters at a time.

    10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 sets of sit-ups and a 100 meter sprint between each set.

    Invisible Fran…21-15-9 of air squats and push ups for time.

    Spend a total of 5 minutes in a handstand, or headstand. If you are using the headstand do not stay over a minute at a time.

    Run 1 mile for time.

    10 push ups 10 air squats and 10 sit ups, 6 rounds for time.

    Do one air squat and take one breath, ( you can breath all you want while you do the squat or squats) do 2 and take 2 breaths etc…up to 10, and then come back down to one.

    3 vertical jumps 3 squats 3 long jumps – 5 rounds.

    Handstand 30 seconds and 10 squats, 8 rounds.

    10 push-ups 100M dash 10x.

    Tabata squats.

    5x 400M sprints.

    10 X 100 m dash.

    25 pressing snatch balances each arm. No weight.

    Run 1 mile, lunging 30 steps every 1 minute.

    handstand 30 seconds and 20 air squats, 5 rounds.

    10 handstand jackknife to vertical jump, 10 handstand jackknife to tuck jump, 10 handstand jackknife to straddle jump.

    100 air squats. For time.

    4x 25 jumping squats

    10 vertical jumps, 10 push ups, 10 sit ups, 4 rounds…for time.

    10 air squats every 1 minute of your 1 mile run.

    100 burpies for time.

    Run 1 mile for time.

    10 push-ups 10 squats 10 sit ups 10 rounds.

    10 vertical jumps, run 400 meters, 5 rounds.

    spend a total of 3 minutes in a handstand.

    100 air squats for time.

    Handstand 1 minute, hold bottom of the squat for 1 minute, 5 rounds.

    Sprint 100 meters, Walk 100 meters, 10 rounds.

    100 push ups for time.

    Run 1 mile for time.

    10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Burpies and Sit ups.

    50 sit-ups, 400 meter run or sprint or walk. 3 rounds.

    10 walking lunges, 10 push-ups, 10 rounds.

    Tabata Squats.

    50 split jumps for time.

    Workout…Handstand for 30 seconds or 5 handstand push ups…400 meter run. 4 rounds.

    10 burpies, 100meter sprint 10x for time.

    “L” sit off the floor. 10 rounds of 10 seconds…if you can’t do it sit with your legs straight out and try to lift your heels of the ground for 10 seconds instead!!!

    run 400 meters, 50 air squats. 4rounds.

    handstand 30 seconds, to squat hold 30 seconds. 10 rounds.

    Ten vertical jumps ( jump as high as you can, land and do it again), 10 push-ups 5 rounds.

    Run 1 mile for time.

    10 push-ups, 10 squats, 10 rounds.

    Tabata Squats: 20 seconds on 10 seconds rest, 8 rounds. Count your lowest score.

    Handstand to Jack-Knife to vertical jump. 30 Reps.

    Run 1 mile with 100 air squats at midpoint, for time.

    7 squats, 7 burpies, seven rounds, for time.

    10x 30 second handstand to 30 second bottom of the squat hold.

    Burpee to the push up position, do 10 push ups, burpie out. 5 rounds.

    Run 1 mile, plus 50 squats-for time.

    100 burpies for time.

    5 squats, 5 push-ups, 5 sit ups, 20 rounds.

    Plebs plank, bottom of squat, hollow rock hold, 30 seconds each for 10 rounds. Use the transition times as your rest periods…they should be as brief as possible.

    5 push ups with a 30 second plebs plank(a hold at the top of the push up, arms extended and body tight like a plank!) at the end of each 5 reps, 10 rounds. Then 3x 100m dash @ 80%.

    Handstand practice, 25 tries at free handstands, then a 1 mile run at 80%.

    Handstand 10 seconds jack-knife to vertical jump. 25 reps…

    Mime 4x 25 sumo deadlift high pulls, make them perfect. Be sure the hips extend before the arms bend!

    50 air squats x 5. Rest equal amounts as it took to do each 50.

    Run 1 mile and do 10 push-ups every 1 minute.

    sprint 100m 30 squats…8 rounds.

    30 push ups, 30 second handstand or Plebs Plank..3 rounds.

    10 sit ups and 10 burpies…10 rounds-for time.

    handstand hold, 30 seconds, squat hold 30 seconds…10 rounds.

    250 jumping jacks…for time.

    100 jumping jacks, 75 air squats, 50 push ups, 25 burpies. For time.

    Tabata Push-ups.

    30 second handstand against a wall, followed by a 30 second static hold at the bottom of the squat. 5 rounds.

    with eyes closed do 10 air squats, open eyes..do 10 push ups eyes closed, 5 rounds for time.

    Run 1 minute, squat 1 minute 5 rounds.

    run 1 mile for time.

    air squat x 10 push up x 10 sit up x 10 3 rounds for time

    10 push-ups, 10 hollow rocks, run 200 meters….5 rounds.

    Do Tabata Squats with eyes closed.

    bottom to bottom ( rest at the bottom of the squat instead of standing….without support on your hands or butt and make the bottom good, straight back, butt back)…..tabata squats.

    20 sit ups with support under the lumbar spine, 20 push ups, run 400m, 4 rounds.

    Handstands, 30 second hold, 30 second static squat, 30 second rest, 8 rounds.

    sprint 50 meters, 10 push ups. 10 rounds.

    50 air squats, 4 rounds. rest for 2 minutes between rounds.

    3x 20 tuck jumps. 3x 30 second handstands.

    400m run/sprint 30 air squats, 3rounds for time.

    20 jumping jacks, 20 burpies, 20 air squats…3 rounds

    Warm up. Run 100 meters and do 20 air squats. 10 rounds.

    Handstand 5x 30 seconds. Run: 2x 800 meters for time. Do the handstands first. Rest and recover and do the runs with a rest in between that is as long as it took you to run your first 800.

    100 air squats 3 min. rest, 100 air squats.

    Run with high knees for 15 seconds and drop into a pushup, get back up and run with high knees again for 15 seconds…….repeat 5x. Each pushup counts as 1 rep. Rest. Do 3 more rounds.

    10x 50 meter sprint.

    Test yourself on a max set of push ups…tight body chest to the floor…full extension!
    If you cannot do “mens style” do your pushups from the knees. After that do 100 air squats for time.

    Tabata…20 seconds on 10 second rest 8 rounds of…tuck jumps and then sit ups

    run 400m air squat 30 hand stand 30 seconds 3 rounds for time

    5 handstand to jacknife to high jump, 5 handstand to jacknife to tuck jump, 5 handstand to jacknife to split jump, 3 rounds…for form

    50 burpies for time.

    5 pushups, 5 squats, 5 sit-ups – 20 rounds

    Run 1 mile, stopping every minute to do 20 air squats.

    30 second handstand, 60 second squat hold ( at the bottom of the squat) – 5 rounds

    run 200 meters, 50 squats, 3 rounds

    Tabata Squats

    Air squatsx20, Burpiesx20, Push-Upsx20 – 3 rounds…for time.

    (Refrence: http://www.board.crossfit.com/showthread.php?t=21576&highlight=eva)


    Re: Help! Need exercises for business meeting (trapped in a hotel)

    That’s a hell of a list. Yeah, I feel all out of shape now. HA! Thanks for the more comprehensive list. Copied and accessed.


    Re: Help! Need exercises for business meeting (trapped in a hotel)

    But what am I going to do on day 2? ;):

    Seriously though, thanks for the list Nixxon! (I’m probably going to be falling asleep during the meeting from exhaustion).


    Re: Help! Need exercises for business meeting (trapped in a hotel)

    5 burpees
    10 push ups
    15 squats

    as many rounds as u can in 20 mins.


    Re: Help! Need exercises for business meeting (trapped in a hotel)




    And this thread was kind of interesting, “Live From Iraq”


    Re: Help! Need exercises for business meeting (trapped in a hotel)

    Isn’t there some agreement between the various KMAA schools that a member of one can train at another for a few days?

    If so, and if you have access to transportation, maybe you can visit KravMD in Columbia. It’s about a 15 minute drive from downtown Baltimore.



    Re: Help! Need exercises for business meeting (trapped in a hotel)

    CarpeCanis- You’re right. All you should have to do is talk to the instructor at the school, theres kind of an unspoken agreement that you can train for a few days if you’re traveling.


    Re: Help! Need exercises for business meeting (trapped in a hotel)

    Hey, that’s good to know.


    Re: Help! Need exercises for business meeting (trapped in a hotel)

    Correctemundo folks – see Ryan’s replythumbsup


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