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  • #31338

    Hey all, just wanted to drop by and say hi. I started my first day today in LA and I must say I really enjoyed it.

    Ran out of steam though. Now onto getting back into fighting shape…:box:


    Re: Heyy!



    Re: Heyy!

    Good for you!!!!

    I am sure I will see you around there soon.

    Have fun,



    Re: Heyy!

    Hi there,

    thanks for the warm welcome!

    I went in my 2nd day today, and it was a blast once again.

    Anyways, see you guys around!


    Re: Heyy!

    I think I might have developed an infection from the skin wound on one of my knuckles… Going to get it checked out tomorrow and to see if I can get a green light from the doc to continue or if I should take a few days off. I borrowed a pair of gloves my first day before purchasing a new one. Looking back, it’s probably a better idea to use your own glove or not use any at all.
    Quick question, is it normal for the area of knuckles to be pretty swollen when you first start (just the right hand)?


    Re: Heyy!

    I just started back up and yes, my hands are swollen and sore from the heavy bag work I am doing out of class. I do find that going half speed to start back up helps until you condition your knuckles and wrist. Eventually your hands get used to it where you don’t need wraps or gloves.

    You might want to take just a couple days off then hit it again, pun intended.



    Re: Heyy!


    There’s a loose piece of leather or something inside my left glove that rubs this one spot on my left index finger’s knuckle. It made punching decently painful whenever it got rubbed completely raw. If you have any consistent trouble get a roll of thin medical tape (not the super heavy duty kind). I’ve been wrapping my knuckle (2-3 passes) for a while now and I haven’t had any trouble since. Thankfully nobody’s asked about the Michael Jackson look when the gloves come off for choke defenses :-).


    Re: Heyy!

    Thanks for the tips!

    The doc said it is indeed an infection. So I’m on antibiotics right now. Hopefully it’ll clear up within the next few days and shoot for a return late next wk (a few days after it’s completely gone).

    I believe the source of my cut was the fact that my punches were initially towards the sides instead of straight into the target. So it was the friction (not the punch) along the pad that caused my cut. Initially I didn’t use a glove until later that session. Anyways, I hope new members who read this post should purchase a glove or wrap since the initial lack of form can lead to injury. It’s a good investment. Just my $.2 on that.


    Re: Heyy!

    How is the Intro to Krav Class? I haven’t done it yet…
    P.S. I’ve been back the last couple of days and my hand is completely healed. I’m loving it!

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