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    Where to start?
    Well I’ve been aware of Krav Maga for a few years now but never really had the opportunity to train in it or study it more thoroughly. I worked as a customer service rep in a call center for over a year and, due to the long hours of inactivity, packed on a lot of weight (always been a little on the heavy side anyway) and lost a lot of the strength in my muscles (used to love going to the weight room and using the kickboxing bags).

    Anyhow fast forward to the present: I quit working for the Evil Electricity Company and moved to Tyler to get my Associate’s degree in Criminal Justice. I found out that there is a Krav Maga class here and took the intro last Tuesday. By the end of that class I knew I was hooked. After all, where else can you go and say that you wanted to die during cardio, took the skin off your knees, and bruised your knuckles but the time still flew by and you had a blast?

    We have a wonderful instructor and each class is the most fun I’ve ever had while exercising. You don’t even really feel like you’re actually exercising because a lot of people see that as a something hard that you have to do. That’s not the case with Krav Maga. I leave each class grinning, feeling empowered, and wishing it had lasted longer.

    My motivation for taking Krav Maga was simple: I’m going to be a LEO and need to know how to defend myself against someone that easily outweighs and outmuscles me whether I have a weapon or not. What I didn’t count on was the feeling of relaxation after the class and the simple enjoyment of movement/strength in the class. So far I’m only three classes into it but I know this is going to be a lifelong thing for me.


    Oh and as a side note: Another great benefit of Krav is that I’ve quit smoking. Been a smoker for over 6 years and this is my 3rd day w/o them. :D:


    Re: Hi there – Tyler Tx

    Welcome! You will find a ton of info here to help you with any questions you may have. If you can’t find the answer, just ask and there are many instructors and students alike that can help you.

    Good luck!


    Re: Hi there – Tyler Tx

    Welcome to the forum!

    After all, where else can you go and say that you wanted to die during cardio, took the skin off your knees, and bruised your knuckles but the time still flew by and you had a blast?”

    You’re gonna fit in JUST FINErofl2 Congrats on kicking the smoking – hope it stays awaythumbsup


    Re: Hi there – Tyler Tx

    Thanks for the warm welcome guys.
    Kirsten, I have definitely enjoyed surfing the forums and picking up new bits of info.
    Mara, thanks for the encouragement on the non smoking front. Today’s the first whole day w/o using the patch either and so far it’s okay. I haven’t felt like :chair: anyone so I think that’s a good sign. I’d like to know why we can put a man on the moon but cannot create a nicotine patch that doesn’t itch so bad you want to claw your skin off? Also went to the local health food store and got a smoker’s lung detox supplement program so that should help a lot.

    quote :

    You’re gonna fit in JUST FINErofl2

    Lmao so glad to find someone w/ a similar sense of humor . Tried to explain it to a friend of mine when I got back that first night and all he could say was “And you said you had fun??” I believe I used the phrase “Disneyland but more violent” a few times. :-p

    Speaking of: got class tonight :woohoo:


    Re: Hi there – Tyler Tx

    Oh believe me – 5 years ago (dang, it’s been THAT long), if anyone would’ve told me I would love KM with all the pain and bruises that comes with it, I would’ve told you, you’re nuts!

    I know smoking ain’t so easy to quit – it took hubby a few tries before he finally gave it the old heave ho.thumbsup


    Re: Hi there – Tyler Tx

    quote SashaTheStrange:

    the phrase “Disneyland but more violent”

    Speaking of: got class tonight :woohoo:

    rofl2Mind if I use that phrase in my conversations? That pretty much narrows it down for me as well. And yes, a class tonight! thumbsup


    Re: Hi there – Tyler Tx

    I believe I used the phrase “Disneyland but more violent” a few times. :-p

    Officially put in my sig giving proper credit:D:


    Re: Hi there – Tyler Tx

    Kaz, go right ahead and use it if you like. Good luck in class.
    Mara, I have been quoted…I don’t think that’s ever happened before…I’m famous…or is that infamous? :-p Either way I’m flattered so thanks.

    We were doing stress drills at the end of class in the parking lot of the gym tonight. Basically we had people spaced out across the lot in two lines and someone had to walk between them. You didn’t know who was going to attack you or even if you would be attacked. We were working on how to escape a frontal choke hold. Someone would walk past you, talk to you, maybe talk to themselves, bump into you etc. Once you were attacked everyone started yelling aggressively. It was a blast.

    Two cars drove up trying to get into the parking lot and then would hesitate while the drivers checked us out to make sure they were safe. rofl2Everyone in those cars had a look that clearly said “What the heck are these crazy people doing???” or “Maybe I don’t want to go to the gym tonight afterall…” or “Oh god I hope spin class isn’t doing that!” :-p

    Of course, someone yelling out “choke him choke him!” as the last car drove past us w/ windows down probably didn’t help much…

    Anyway, class was great tonight. We learned new stuff, pushed harder, and had a few good laughs. I was a little surprised by how calm and happy I felt leaving since I’d had a day that made me just want to :tantrum::chair::banghead::soapbox:

    How was everyone else’s day? (btw, have I mentioned that I really like the smilies?)



    Re: Hi there – Tyler Tx

    Where are you taking Krav in Tyler? Who’s the instructor? My parents live there and I visit a lot.. Would love to find a place to train while I’m there!


    Re: Hi there – Tyler Tx

    Missreading, sorry it took me so long to reply. Hectic couple of days.
    Anyway, to answer your question: the location is KH Fitness on Shelley rd and our instructor is Nathan Lundstrom. If you are interested, definitely send him an email so he can tell you when the intro classes are. 1st class is free btw. You can find his email at http://www.easttxkravmaga.com
    Hopefully I’ll see you in class 😀

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