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    I have been doing Krav for a bit over a month now and after every class that we do a lot of kicks in, my hips usually hurt for a day or 2. Also, when doing side kicks (mainly sidekicks, round kicks too…) my hips really get this \”bone on bone\” kind of pain in them.

    Is this normal? My range of motion is pretty limited too. I can pretty much only get about gut level with my right leg, and barely over groin level with my left.

    Does this sound normal? Any tips or suggestions on something I could work on?

    Thanks a lot.


    Go to a doctor. \”Bone on bone\” pain is never normal.

    If you want to increase your range of motion, stretch every day (only after getting completely warmed up). Ask your instructor for some stretches you can do at home, or try a yoga class or DVD.


    Thanks for the reply Rosie. I will mention it to my Dr. the next time that I go but I really don’t think it is that serious. I may be describing the pain wrong. I think that if it was that serious, I would be feeling more severe pain for days after class. I am really thinking/hoping it is just a range of motion, flexibility issue.

    I am going to try to stretch more frequently for now……


    Check with your doc have him check you out. If he clears you then do more stretches. I reccomend showing up a lil early to class….warming up with a light jog in place (substitute jumping jacks, situps, leglifts etc) for a warm up and stretch afterward. Then immediatly at the end of class find a place to stretch again. Your instructor may have some good ideas for stretches you should do, ALSO your doctor may have some stretches for you to do as well.


    I know a couple of people who have had a problem with tendon inflammation in the hip due to practicing a lot of kicks. Your doctor would be able to diagnose that. In that case you would probably need to perform some rehab exercises to strengthen the tendons in the hip. Again, your doctor would have to recommend exactly which exercises would be appropriate for you. If what you are experiencing is tendonitis, then stretching could actually make it worse. So it’s that much more important that you get checked out by a doc. The sooner the better.

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