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    There is a link to a surveilance video that shows one of the beatings. This is a good example of why we learn to defend against bats….etc. I wish these kids would have picked on the wrong guy. In the video you can see one of the kids drop the bat.

    Pretty frustrating to watch. To know that these same kids killed another homeless guy in the same manner. At least they are behind bars, but I for one tend to hope for more of an \”eye for an eye\” type of justice. Hopefully the 18 year old will get his payback in prison.

    From a tactical standpoint, you can definately see where you could step in and jam the attack if someone is coming at you with a bat. You would have to be quick and violent to neutralize the first one and not leave yourself open to his friend. If you don’t get knocked down with the first hit, you should be able to end it fairly quickly.

    Situational awareness would probably be key here. Stay away from kids carrying bats.


    What goes on in the brain to allow one to think this kind of behavior is not only acceptable but fun? Is is biological? Environmental? Both?

    The whole thing is nauseating.


    Also…do your best not to be homeless.



    quote \”Lor\:

    The whole thing is nauseating.

    I totally agree with you on that one. Someone told me about it, then I saw it on TV. By watching this, I am so glad I take KM and am learning all these defenses…gun, knife, stick, defenses against a bat etc.


    About two weeks ago, my stepmom was asking about some simple martial art techniques. I showed her a palm heel with an eye gouge, a web hand to the throat, inward elbows to the head and neck, and some other stuff like that. She was asking me if I could ever get angry enough to do something like that to someone. I explained that its not really about anger, nor is it about using these techniques in some testosterone fuelled bar fight (in which case she said a punch to the nose will end the fight..grr!). I didn’t really get my point across. Anyway, when this was on the news I brought it up again and said that I could get angry enough to do any of the above techniques to someone- when some punks beats you for fun , and they have undoubtedly done it before and will try to do it again.

    There’s some pretty disturbing tactics used in Paris, according to this article on Fred Perrin:
    Under the section What Gangs Do. Superglue to the eyes- that probably permanently blinds you, while they take your few dollars. The world is full o examples that warrant high levels of force.


    Wow, sounds kinda scary, but I have to say when I lived in Paris I didn’t see any crime at all, although I took the subway a lot and also walked on foot through all kinds of neighborhoods. And I weighed only 90 pounds then and had no martial arts training, so an easy victim…. But that was in 1990, maybe things have changed, that would be terrible.

    But of course, if you are brutally attacked, you have every right to defend yourself, even use deadly force if you have to. That doesn’t even have to have anything to do with being angry, you are simply doing what it takes to save your life.

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