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    quote \”JL\:

    usnavy_233 vs. KravmagaStudent

    LLLLLadies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Inaugural KM Forum Smackdown! 8)

    Gentlemen, please go to your corners and come out fightin’. 😈



    Thanks for all the advice!……

    More beer………… 😀
    More food……….. 🙂
    More weights……… 🙂


    Talking about beer, here’s a German recipe: Take a bit of cranberry juice mix (the 100% mix you can get at Trader Joe’s is really good for it), put it in a beer glass, then fill the rest up with beer (you have to suit it to your own taste, but I’d say try 1/3 juice, 2/3 beer for starters, then add more or less). It’s a bit lighter than just the beer itself and chilled it’s perfect for those hot afternoons! Then there is something else where you mix beer with Sprite. Try them all and enjoy! 😀



    I was waiting for the German dude to weigh in on the brau issue! That cranberry thingie sounds yummy. Kinda like a lambic?

    Stout is an acquired taste. I prefer lagers (Harp) and pale ales. Dang… now I have to go to the brew shop and get a batch a-brewin!


    Hey KravJeff,

    I was never trying to take credit for mixing guiness. Black and Tan used to be a fav drink of mine back when I drank. I don’t drink anymore out of choice because beer is dehydrating to the body. I drink over 80 ounces of water with celtic sea salt. This is a recipe that an extraordinary doctor detailed the benefits of in his groundbreaking book, Your Bodies Many Cries For Water. Ever since I’ve been following the watercure I know my body is truly getting nourished daily. I also drink sole’ in the AM before I do anything else. Imagine getting over 80 ionic minerals directly into your bloodstream feeding every cell and fiber of your being.

    Sorry, didn’t mean to get off on a tangent about health. That’s just me, I guess.

    Anyway, thanks for the black and tan.



    Oh, and the weight issue (that was the topic, right?)… for the first time in a long time I genuinely do not give a flying frack what the scale says. I’m 5’2\” and had this 115-lb ideal weight fixation for a long time. Since taking up Krav, I’ve dropped a pants size but my weight has gone up to about 122. I’ve got muscle definition that I never got with years of free weights. I just can’t work up much concern for the number on the scale when every other indicator of fitness tells me that this is what I need to be doing!

    And I am so psyched… my instructor is expanding the KM program at our school, so I’m going to get a Saturday class too!! Yeeeeeeehaw!



    quote \”Giantkiller\:

    Talking about beer, here’s a German recipe: Take a bit of cranberry juice mix (the 100% mix you can get at Trader Joe’s is really good for it), put it in a beer glass, then fill the rest up with beer (you have to suit it to your own taste, but I’d say try 1/3 juice, 2/3 beer for starters, then add more or less). It’s a bit lighter than just the beer itself and chilled it’s perfect for those hot afternoons! Then there is something else where you mix beer with Sprite. Try them all and enjoy! 😀


    I heart guiness. On tap. Never tried the cran juice with beer thing (no thanks), but I’ve had the beer/sprite mix, and found it really nice on a hot summer day.

    One of the p’s friends told me of an old russian folk drink, mixing beer with sour creme, leading me to conclude that on top of systema and swimming in freezing water (in speedos), the homeland has other bad ideas to offer the world. Although, if that won’t keep your weight up, I dunno what will.


    Per edicts from the square table, man law states that black and tans are for metrosexuals and their cousins, the gays. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.



    quote \”G.V.\:

    One of the p’s friends told me of an old russian folk drink, mixing beer with sour creme, leading me to conclude that on top of systema and swimming in freezing water (in speedos), the homeland has other bad ideas to offer the world. Although, if that won’t keep your weight up, I dunno what will.

    Ohhhh, man. I don’t think so. I’d be hurling like a mofo.

    And don’t get me started on Speedos. My husband is of Polish descent, and one of the first things we had to establish is that black Speedos DO NOT look good on any man, particularly ones with that Eastern European glow-in-the-dark white skin.



    When was the last time you visited the homeland? I’m not so sure they are wearing speedos while doing the frozen pond dip….

    The cranberry thing is good, try it. What have you got to lose? We actually use cranberry as a substitute, the original recipe calls for raspberry I think.

    Actually, warm beer can be good for the stomach (tummy aches and such).

    Beer and sour creme? 😯 To each his own I guess. 8)

    About the weight issue, I used to be 90 pounds for a long time, then started weight lifting and went up to 100. I started KM at that weight, then gained some more and got up to 106. then I tried to forcefully gain additional weight (by eating more). I gained some muscle but also fat, so I went back down to 105/106, which seems to be a good weight for me and I’m able to maintain it, no matter how much KM I do.



    Muscle Milk
    This just might do it for you



    quote \”garddawg\:

    Size matters, but not as much as big guys think. 😆 If you are healthy, and losing weight you are not eating enough. Just that simple, don’t over complicate it. I am a big believer in bodyweight exercises, and a KM class often has alot of air squats, push ups and burpees. Good for muscular endurance. However if all you do is bodyweight work you will have serious faults in your fitness. If you want to put on some size and up your strength, your going to have to hit some heavy weights. Squats, deadlifts, cleans, presses will help.

    I currently have dumbells and a soloflex machine available. What I lack is the ceiling height to do cleans and presses ( I’m working out in the basement, 7′ ceilings). Can you recommend exercises or a routine I could do using this equipment, 2-3 days a week to gain strength and size.

    Thanks for all the replies………Guiness is good, but I’m on a red wine kick right now. 😀


    Setting up strength and conditioning programs is what we do. 😆 Do you have access to a pull up bar or can you set one up? 7′ ceilings should be tall enough to do cleans and probably presses as well. Can you touch the ceiling while standing flat footed?

    Here is a quick one I picked up from a friend who runs a S&C facility in Kansas City.
    Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes perform:

    5 Dumbbell Deadlifts
    5 Dumbbell Hang Cleans
    5 Dumbbell Front Squat/Push-press

    Load is 45% of your bodyweight. If you fall behind the clock keep count of how many rounds you can complete in 20 minutes. Scale the weight to your ability and strength level.



    Ceiling is 6′ 7\”, and I can touch the ceiling flatfooted…………….Is this enough room for those exercises?


    It is very simple:

    If you want to maintain, make sure calories in = calories out
    If you want to gain eat more
    If you want to lose eat less

    Scales mean crap unless you are weighing in, or like me…were getting \”up there\”

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