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    so im at 1 month of training and so far i have been punched in the clavical, upercut elbowd to the chin (bit my tongue) round kick shin to shin (that hurt the both of us) round house knee to my leg nerve cluster (dead leg) and one swift one to the pounder plums and i accidentaly punched a newby on the nose her first day, yes her… i punched a girl with glasses (Doh!!!!)

    Can’t wait till L-2:Deadhorse:


    Re: How often do you get hurt in class

    It hurts to swallow today (choke defense) and I got bruises after every class, got a good 3in one with all the pretty colours on my right upper arm. With the exception of a broken rib shortly after i started the injuries are all minor and i wear em with pride.


    Re: How often do you get hurt in class

    Just really depends on what the class entails that day. Got a bruise from Wed 3/4 class – did shotgun defense from the back.

    I’ve had my knee pad bruised up, bruises, elbow to the jaw by hubbyrofl2

    In KM, it’s not a matter of if you’ll get hurt but when – hopefully it’ll never be serious (like an acl injury)


    Re: How often do you get hurt in class

    Wow it seems drastically different over at my school. I have been training in Krav for about 4 months, with about 60 hours of experience, and I haven’t left even one class with an injury. The only time I may have had bruises is from practicing 360 defenses. It’s interesting to hear the contrast.


    Re: How often do you get hurt in class

    Lots of 360 defense bruises, legs bruised up from kick defense, plus various random bruises from overzealous training partners. Oh, and three wicked shiners over the last few years. Good times!


    Re: How often do you get hurt in class

    Yeah I don’t think it’s the class as much as it is me
    I tend to train as hard as I can, even my boy’s noticed how much harder I push myself compared to the other mates in my class.
    I’m not trying to out do anyone there I just want complete and utter body failure, just like a weight session I want to end up a puddle of lactic acid on the floor. Also my goal is to pass my L-1 test by Dec-Jan.

    quote Peterako:

    Wow it seems drastically different over at my school. I have been training in Krav for about 4 months, with about 60 hours of experience, and I haven’t left even one class with an injury. The only time I may have had bruises is from practicing 360 defenses. It’s interesting to hear the contrast.

    Re: How often do you get hurt in class

    I usually end up with a badly bruised ego pretty in much every fight class. 😉


    Re: How often do you get hurt in class

    I don’t think I often get hurt in class. Most of the time, I get hurt waking up the next day. Someone said something about choke defenses. I don’t usually get hurt with those, but I do wake up the next day sometimes, often hurting my throat as I get out of bed.

    My knees have also gotten injured after getting out of bed. I remember doing some leg locks in class where my knee made a snapping sound twice. A few moments later, Junior was talking about how you can take someone’s leg and it breaks at the third crack. It explained a lot, since mine only cracked twice. My partner was really scared and wide eyed. I was fine. We continued. The next day, I did hurt my leg just a bit getting out of bed 😉

    I still feel it at times and I am sure I can predict tornados with it.

    Oh, and I guess you could count that time I was holding someone in a bear hug from behind (with my head buried properly). He broke free from the bear hug, turned towards me, and threw an elbow right to my nose. That was broken. I can’t blame that one on my bed. That was broken before I went to sleep. That was just a one time incident though.



    Re: How often do you get hurt in class

    Those are considered flesh wounds (Monty Python term) – comes with the territory (of Krav Maga), so to speak. Raw neck – every time we practice head grabs from the side or from behind. Bruised forearms from 360 knife defenses. Occasional finger tweak or wrist tweak. Learned to take it in stride. If everyone goes too soft – the element of realism goes away. That being said, I practice with control and would like to expect it from my partners.:):


    Re: How often do you get hurt in class

    Hurt? often.

    Injured? Rarely. Three real events…..

    I broke some toes in L1 with a bad kick into a shin (my bad).

    Working hip tosses (that might have been in the more mixed classes I attend after Krav, actually), I was tossed badly, landed on my neck and shoulder, and instead of the partner letting me roll through it, he tried to stop me by grabbing my legs, putting MORE pressure for MORE time on the area…that one took two years to heal.

    I clipped somebody on the top of the skull throwing a hook once, doing some funny damage to my hand. Apparently, the scar tissue/swelling, some discomfort might be permanent.

    Shiners, bruises, teeth into lips, sure….but those are badges of honor!


    Re: How often do you get hurt in class

    Fairly frequently:

    I think there is a degree of inevitability when you practice a contact MA.


    Re: How often do you get hurt in class

    Nothing serious plenty of sprains, like my shoulder now. At the beginning used to kill my foot missing kicks and hitting shins, better at that now..

    Part of the Krav experience, enjoy!


    Re: How often do you get hurt in class

    *knock on wood* Nothing but busted lips and bruises


    Re: How often do you get hurt in class

    I get some bruises almost every time, but they usually heal in a week or less.

    Had my ego hurt a couple times, but that heals quickly too 😀


    Re: How often do you get hurt in class

    Dude I suppose i shoulda took some advise from this posting and laid back a bit.
    Just busted my 4th metatarsel? however you spell it i broke it.
    Showing my Son how to kick properly….. DOH!!!!!
    So now my only question is how in the sphincter of hell do you break your foot on a pad yo? I mean like realy it’s a pad.
    well it was prolly only fractured when i did it at the begining of class and it prolly broke cuz i couldent be botherd enough to sit out the class.
    i couldn’t even use it enough to break when i drove home.

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